Lunch Bag Owner Returns
Three Wishes Chapter 23
You peek out but she is so close you can't make out who it is. She lifts the lunch bag in the area and starts walking. You are thrown back into the bag and hang on as she walks through the mall. She buys a bottle of cold water and sets down at a table and takes out for phone. She reaches in the bag and takes out her sandwich and you move away to avoid her hand.

As she eats her sandwich and looks at her phone you realize that time is running out. There is an apple and a candy bar and you realize she's probably going to throw this bag out when she finishes her lunch. You figure your best path forward is to climb out of the bag and find a way to hitch a ride back to the store without her seeing you.

You climb out the hole and look up and realize that this girl is Sasha who is a friend of Debbie's that you hung out with a bunch of time when you and Debbie were dating. You think if you should trust her to take you back to Debbie and you see her purse is on the table and still open. All you need to do is get in it and she's carry you back to the store. You look back at her to make sure she is still occupied but instead she looks right back at you and says "What the hell?" You try to run across the table but you run right into her palm that closes around you. 

She brings you close to her but holds you low and close to the table to look at you discretely. "A little naked man" she says quietly, "Aren't you adorable? I bet you make a nice pet." You panic and yell at her "Sasha, It's me Joe. Remember me? I used to date your friend."

She smiles as she recognizes you. "Of course I remember you Joe or should I say little Joey. You're so cute. How'd this happen to you?" You respond "It's a long story but I need your help getting me back to Debbie at the store." She thinks for a minute and says "And why should I do that. You broke her heart and she cried to me for weeks." You are getting a bit worried about her and say "No It's not like that. We are back together and I even got her an engagement ring."

"Yes, I know all about that already. Debbie told me as soon as I got to work today." she tells you, "and I told her it was a bad idea. She can't marry a little mousey man like you. Anyway, I have been planning to introduce her to my cousin who just graduated college and moved back here. She'll be much better off with him."

"You can't do that" you yell at her "We are adults and can make our own decisions." She laughed and replied "Well maybe Debbie is but you are nothing but a little mouse with no rights to tell big people like me what to do. Now you can come home with me and we'll figure this all out."

She dropped me back in her purse and I landed slamming into her lipstick as she zipped up the purse leaving me in darkness as she finished her lunch and walked back to work. She gets back to work and put her bag in the backroom and goes back to finish her shift. You try to open the zipper from the inside but to no avail.. You are stuck inside until she opens it again.

You feel her lift the purse and carry you out when her shift ends but she doesn't say anything or let you out until you reach her apartment. She finally unzips the bag and you see her giant face peering in at you. She lifts you out and drops you onto a kitchen table. She says "Darla, meet little Joey. Joey, this is my roommate Darla." You turn and see a very tan girl with black hair in long loose curls and dark eyes staring at you.

"Listen this is all a mistake. Can you just call my girlfriend Debbie." I say to both of them. Sasha gives you poke and knocks you down and saying "Little mousey man doesn't get to give orders. We give the orders and you obey. Don't try to appeal to Darla either. I told her all about you." She turns her attention to her roommate and says "What do you think? Should we keep him as a pet or should we just get rid of him?"

Darla brings her hand up and lightly drums her fingers over me pummeling me as she says "Won't your boyfriend Jack have something to say about you keeping a little man?" Sasha thinks and says "Good point. You want to keep him in your room?" Darla thinks for a moments and says
August 17, 2023