Darla's Toy
Three Wishes Chapter 24
Darla picks you up and says "Sure, it'll be fun to have a little toy boy to hang out and amuse me." and carries you in her room. She drops you on a desk and sits towering over you. "I should tell you I'm not into guys but you're more like aa little toy or pet. Plus a bet my girlfriend will get a kick out of you. She loves little things. Just remember, the minute I find you too annoying, you'll be gone."

She takes a length of string from desk drawer and ties a loop in the end that she slips you through leaving you dangling as she holds the other end and says "I did say you could hang out with me." She ties the other end to a shelf support over her desk and you are left dangling about 18 inches above her desk but it seems like over 25 feet to you. "What do you mean by gone", you ask her.

She gives you a push and you swing back and forth and she replied "Gone, like you won't be here anymore. Maybe I'll give you to my niece. She's like ten years old. I bet she'd like you. Maybe I could sell you to some rich girl who wants to keep you like a pet or maybe to a sex toy shop. You are pretty unique after all." She puts her finger in front of you so when you swing forward your stomach hits her finger and it feels like you got punched in the gut by a boxer. "Too much for you?" she asks as she starts you swinging again.

"Now tell me how you got so small." she tells you as you continue swinging. You decide to tell the real story as crazy as it sounds and say "I found a genie in a lamp and made wishes but she twisted them and I ended up shuck like this." She looked at me and said "Really, tell me what your wishes were?" You don't want to tell her that you asked to be made small and you say "I'd rather not say." This just make her want to know even more. She has a scented candle burning in her room and she picks it up and hold it under your feet. You can feel the heat as she says "Tell me now or we'll see how much pain you can endure." You yell out "I wished for a palace and a beautiful harem." 

"Typically stupid guy wish", she says, "Now what was your second wish?" You hesitate and she brings the candle back even closer. You don't want to tell her but you don't want to be burned either and you blurt out "The girls were so beautiful that I wanted to see them as giantesses and she shrank me. It wasn't long for me to figure out my mistake as these girls used me as a toy or to pleasure themselves." Darla laughed at the answer and says "Guys always thinks with their dicks and never think of the consequences. So did you get your third wish?"

"Well I made a deal with her to free her and she would grant my last wish which I asked to get out of the harem but I meant at my full size but I didn't say it so I was sent back to my hometown but I was still small. I finally got back to my ex-girlfriend Debbie and she agreed to help me. That was until Sasha found me at work." She laughed again, "You are an idiot. You can't even use three wishes properly. Well maybe I'll return you to Debbie when I'm done with you but I doubt that. It would make Sasha look bad for taking you." 

She puts the candle down and gives you another push sending you swinging again as she gets up to change her clothes. She has a nice body but you know from her comments you won't get near her. "I'm going out tonight with my girl so you'll just have to hang around a wait for me to get back." Once she's ready she sits back down and gives you another push again. This time she picks up a sharp pencil off her desk and hold it in front of you so the tip will hit your groin. As you approach it you scream but she moves it at the last second and laughs, "I'd say you scream like a little girl but that would be demeaning to little girls."

You are left in the dark hanging over this girl's desk and feeling even more hungry no having anything to eat.
August 17, 2023