Working in the Store
Three Wishes Chapter 49
Although Joanne does get weird when she is drinking she's been nice to you most other times and thinks of you are her boyfriend. You figure this is OK for now and since she brought you to her hometown you have no idea where you are or where you would go so you get busy cleaning the jewelry. Joanne works alone in the store as Kelly is out for the morning and she comes back to check on you whenever the store is empty. She brings you some of her lunch to share and even admires what a good job you are doing.

The afternoon is a bit busier and you finish up before Kelly gets back. Kelly does eventually comes to the back room to check on your progress and you're glad you finishes in time. She sits down in front of you at the workbench and looks at each piece and says "Good job cleaning. I'll have more for you tomorrow."

She finishing cleaning up the jewelry and then looks at you and asks "Where did you get that silly outfit you are wearing?" You explain that Joanne made it this morning for you to come to the store and Kelly replies "That figures. She'll have to find some doll clothes in your size." 

She takes a quick look out front and sees Joanne is busy as she returns her attention to you. "So how do you look under that outfit?   Do you have all the regular equipment or do you look like a Ken doll under there?" she asks you. "I'm like every other man just smaller." you tell her but she answers with "Come on and take it off and show me." You aren't comfortable with where this is going and say "I don't think that would be appropriate."

Her smile fades and she tells you "Strip or I'll undress you myself and I won't be gentle. Remember I'm the boss and you do what I say." You slowly remove the belt and then lift the poncho over your head revealing yourself to her. "Ooh, not bad" she says as her index finger comes at you. You take a couple sets back and find you backed into the palm of her other hand. Her thumb moves in front of you pinning you against her palm.

Her index finger continues to come at you and she strokes your penis with the edge of her French manicured fingernail giving you a hard on. She then cradles your genitals in the inside of her fingernail and looks at then. "Not bad it you were full size." She strokes you again getting you stiffer. She gets her face closer to you and you feel her warm breath as she quietly says "I think you like me, don't you?

You are trapped in her palm while she continues to play with you. You want to yell out to Joanne but you know she won't hear you and you need to take care of this yourself. "No, It's just a anatomical response" you tell her. "Of course" she says with a smile as she releases you and you fall to the table. "We are all going to be good friends and co-workers and we are going to have so much fun together. And one more thing, this stays between you and me. Don't tell Joanne. Now put your rags back on before Joanne comes back here and finds you naked with me. Something like that might upset her if you know what I mean." She gets up and walk back to the front of the store leaving you behind.

You quickly get dressed and think that Joanne is a little weird and it would be your word against her best friend. If she thought you are cheating on her she'd might get really crazy so you think you better keep quiet for now. After a little while, Joanne comes back and tells you she's done her shift and you can both go home for the night.
August 17, 2023