Joanne Takes You to Work
Three Wishes Chapter 48
You are awakened when Joanne gets up and drags you from her pussy. She smiles at you and carries you into her bathroom where she draws a warm bath for you in the sink while she takes a shower. You're just grad you aren't joining her in the shower and she's all business getting ready for work. She finishes and dries off before retrieving you from the sink and drying you off too.

She gets dressed and makes you both breakfast and you both eat. After she cleans up she comes back to the table with some material that she carefully cuts with sewing scissors. "I have to give you something to wear if you're coming to work with me." You seem surprised by her remark and reply "I thought I'd just stay here and watch TV while you are at work." you reply. "No I couldn't leave you alone here. Something bad might happen to you and I'd never forgive myself. I work with my friend Kelli at her antique and jewelry shop. You'll love it there."

She takes the baby blue color material and fits it over you. It is like a poncho with a hole for your head and arms that goes down to about your knees and she cuts a small length of string for a belt. "It's cute just like you" she says as she looks at you wearing the outfit. You aren't happy about her choice but you know your opinion is irrelevant to her.

She puts you in the side pocket of her purse and leaves for work. After a short car ride you get to your destination and she takes you out and sets you down on a glass counter. You look around and and see the counter you are standing on hold a wide variety of antique jewelry and there are other small items around the store. You turn around and see Joanne's boss and friend Kelly staring back at you. "Wow, Joanne. I thought you were kidding. So this is your new boyfriend? I guess you won't have the same problems you did with your ex."

"Hi there" you say extending your arm out. She gives you her index finger with is more than you can grasp and gives it a little shake. "Nice to meet you Joe." she says "I like you outfit too." and she let loose a little giggle. She turns back to Joanne and says "well since he's living in the apartment and coming to work with you, I think it is only fair that he do a little work while he's here. You don't like the sound of having to work and probably not getting paid and you hear Joanne say "sure, What do you have in mind?"

Kelly pulls a small box out and sets it on the counter and says "Well we are getting a lot of estate jewelry. Most of it isn't that valuable but if it was cleaned up we could make some money off it. I don't have the time but I can show him how to clean it while he's here with you." Joanne replies "That sounds like a good idea." You try to complain but they both ignore you and keep talking.

Just then someone comes in the door and Kelli says "Go take care of the customer and I'll show little Joey he's job in the back room." Without any warning Kelli takes you in her fist and carries you off to the back. She sits you down on a small workbench and starts to line up numerous pieces of jewelry and cleaning supplies. "Let me be clear, little Joey" she tells you "Your girlfriend is living in my apartment and working in my store and I know you wouldn't want to do anything to jeopardize that. Right?" You answer "No I wouldn't" not sure where she is going with this. "Good. Just remember you do what I tell you when you are working here. No backtalk and we'll be fine. Now I have a couple appointments and I expect all of these pieces cleaned by the time I get back." With that she leaves and you are left on the workbench with a day's worth of work.
August 17, 2023