Joanne on Sunday Morning
Three Wishes Chapter 45
Joanne gets up early to the sound of her alarm. She tells you "Lots to do this morning" as she carries you into the bathroom and makes a small bath for you in the sink while she takes a shower. She finishes and dries off and then dries you off and carries you back to the bedroom where she starts to get dressed. "We got to get moving if we're going to make the flight at 10:50" she tells you as she does her hair and make up.

"Wait a minute" you tell her, "Lisa is coming to meet us at noon. What are you talking about?" She stops to look at you for a moment and says, "I moved up the flight. That way we will be gone before she gets here, silly." She goes back to packing her bags and you are flabbergasted. "Wait I minute, you're talking me home with you?" She walks by you and bops you on the head with her fingertip and continues "Oh course I am. You are perfect for me and we did sleep together for the last two nights so I think you are officially my new boyfriend."

She keeps packing and you say "But Lisa is an FBI agent and I was part of an investigation. They'll track you down." She turns to you and replies, "You are so gullible. Did you believe that crap. Did you ever go to the FBI office? Did you ever give a statement? Did she ask you any questions about the crime while you were at her apartment?" You think for a moment and say "No I didn't do any of that." She goes back to backing and says, "See, she was full of shit. She was just keeping you like a pet not like you and I. We have a connection. You're my little perfect man."

Now you are worried about this situation. You were already in too deep and now this woman is taking you cross country to be her boyfriend that she can control. "But she can still track you down to find me." you tell her. She comes over and bops you on the head again, "That's so sweet that you are worried about me but I got this handled. After my break up with my asshole ex, I moved and changed my phone and everything else so he couldn't find me so even after she comes looking it won't be easy. I'm living in a duplex that my friend owns and its all very informal. I use her Wi-fi, she pays the utilities. It's not going to be that easy to find me. Even if she does, you're my boyfriend so she has no legal right to take you away from me."

She closes her bag and goes to the bathroom to finish up. You think that this girl is really cute but she gets pretty mean when she drinks and she might be even worse when she gets mad. You need to get away from her but there is no where to go in the room and you are on top of a table. She comes back and says, "Sorry but I only got one return ticket so you are going to have to travel incognito." She giggles at her own joke and opens her jeans followed by pulling out the waistband of her panties and positioning you inside. She releases the waist band and zips up her jeans and you are pressed tightly against her pussy. "Enjoy the ride sweetie" she says as she gets her bag and leaves to check out,

You can hear her catch a cab to the airport and she strokes you through the material of her jeans while riding in the cab. You go through security without an incident and she sits alone near the gate. You hear her say "Don't worry darling, only as few more hours and then we'll be together forever.

You hear an announcement that you are headed to Charleston, South Carolina and you realize that she is right about Lisa and you'll be trapped in a strange city far from anyone you know. It's several hours and Joanne plays with you through the fabric of her jeans during the flight and you assume she is in a row by herself. Eventually you arrive and she takes an Uber home.

It's been hours since she locked you away in her panties when she gets home drops her bags by the door and takes you out and sets you down on a kitchen counter that has some stools. She gets a bottle of wine from the fridge and pours herself a glass and sits down in front of you. She takes a few sips and watches you looking around. "It's not too big but it's fine for me and you won't need much space." She gives you a poke and knocks you to your back and her finger descends on you and plays with you. She takes another sip and says "I should tell you that my ex wasn't just verbal abusive. He'd hit me when I didn't do what he wanted or when he'd drink. He'd make me do all kinds of messed up things." You want to say something about how she seems to be doing the same things to you but you hold back and she continues "But you won't do any of those things. That's why you're the perfect boyfriend." She takes another drink and continues to play with you as you think about your next move.
August 17, 2023