Lisa Takes you to a Bachelorette Party
Three Wishes Chapter 40
You try to adjust to the light of the hotel bar and you hear Lisa say "Hey Patty, if you want a last fling before you go get hitched, I have just the guy for you." followed by ohhs and ahhs from the other women at the table. You look up and see a pretty brunette looking down at you. She says, "What? He's not even as big as Tony's dick" and the other woman laugh at her comment.

You see Lisa sitting to Patty's right and laughing along with her friends. You aren't looking when Patty gives you a poke with her French manicure index finger and you fall backwards. "He doesn't seem very strong. I'd probably break him in two in my hootch.", she says getting more laughs. You get up to go back to Lisa but the girl to Patty's left scoops you up in her palm.

This new girl looks you over and says, "He's kinda cute, Lisa. Where did you get him?" Lisa leans in closer to this girl and replies, "We found him as part of an agency investigation. I'm keeping him right now since this is an uncommon situation." The girl strokes your body before releasing you back to the table next to her drink that towers over you. "If you figure our how he got so small maybe you could shrink my good for nothing boyfriend too." she tells Lisa, "then I could get him to do some work around the house and not eat all my food."

You want to get back to Lisa and away from her friends but another woman picks you up and shows you her drink which is a blue icy concoction. She's obviously drunk and handles you roughly. She says, "I think the widdle guy wants a drink too." She hold you up to her face and you can smell the alcohol on her breath when she says, "You want a drink, tiny?" as she drops you back on the table in front of her. She puts her thumb over the top of her straw and withdraws it from her drink positioning it directly over you. She releases her thumb and a torrent of icy blue drink comes down drenching you. "You have to drink it silly", the drunk girl says just as another women next to her picks you up.

She's a blond with shorter hair and a little chubby but still attractive. She dries you off with a napkin and blows you a kiss. "You are a really cutie", she says as she brings you up to her face. "How would you like to come home with me? My girls haven't had a pet since their turtle died. They'd love you and when my husband goes away on business you and I can play together." She gives you a small seductive kiss and smiles down at you not letting you go. You look down and see her low cut dress with two huge boobs below you. She sees you looking and says, "You want to take a ride between my boobs. They are soft and warm." You struggle but it is useless in her grip. Patty looks over at her and says, "Stop teasing him, Kari. You know your husband would crush him if you took him home and do you really want your girls playing with a naked man." Kari looks at you sadly and says, "Yeah, I guess your right." and she drops you back on the table.

Before you can react the girl next to her puts her hand over you and slides you over to her. She's a blond with long straight hair and stunning blue eyes. "Hi, I'm Joanne" she tells you as you notice that the conversation has moved on to Patty's honeymoon plans and everyone is listening to her. Joanne is just smiling and staring down at you. You say, "Hi Joanne..." but before you can finish your sentence her finger comes down and pokes you on the chest knocking you down on your ass. She lets out a little laugh and keeps staring at you. As soon as you get up, she uses her finger to come up behind you and sweep your feet out from under you and giggles again. You get up to go back to Lisa but she pokes you again this time in the stomach and knocking you down. "That hurt" you tell her, "Please don't do that again."

She continues smiling without staying a word which is creeping you out and she scoops you up in her palm. She uses her fingertip to play with your dick giving you an instant hard on. She stops and you look up to see that same smile as she flicks you in the groin with her finger and giggles as you howl out loud in pain.

The other women are still talking about honeymoons when Lisa notices Joanne's fascination with you and asks Patty "What's up with your sister?" Patty looks over and says, "She just got out of a bad abusive relationship. She wasn't even going to fly out for the party but I talked her into it. She needed to get away from that toxic atmosphere. Anyway it looks like your little guy makes her happy. I think this is the first time I've seen her smile since she got here."

Joanne is squeezing you in her fist so you can't say anything and she asks Lisa "I really like your little friend. Can I keep him?" Lisa looks surprised and says, "Well he's part of an ongoing investigation so he can't leave town." Joanne looks disappointed and says "Too bad. I really like him and I think he likes me too. I'm staying at the hotel till Sunday. Mind if I keep him till then?"
Patty leans in and says, "You'd be doing me a big favor. He really seems to make her happy."

Lisa thinks it over for a moment and says...
August 17, 2023