Joanne Drunk From the Wedding
Three Wishes Chapter 44
Joanne comes back and takes you out from the drawer and places you on the desk and sits in front of you obviously drunk. She says "I brought you cake" and you see she has a small bag with a slice of cake in it. She sticks her finger in the bag and swipes some icing onto her finger tip and brings it to you to lick off but before you can get any she wipes it across your face and laughs.

"I'd love to smash the cake in the grooms face if I ever get the chance" she laughs at her own joke. She breaks off a piece of cake and pops it in her own mouth. She looks at you with a smile and says "Let me help you with that mess" and picks you up. She looks at you with a goofy smile and sticks your whole head and neck in her mouth and sucks the icing from your face. "You're yummy." she says as she sets you back on the desk and takes another piece of cake for herself.

"I guess I'm not getting any cake" you tell her standing on the desk hoping she'll give you some. She gives you a poke in the belly knocking you over and says "What a rude little man. You didn't ask about the wedding." You stand back up and say, "I'm sorry but I was in a dark drawer all day and I'm hungry. She respond by swiping your feet out from under you with her finger. You fall on your ass and she laughs at you. "Silly little man thinks he can boss me around. Well my ex used to bossed me around and worse and he got a restraining order. I don't think I'll need that for you. You are going to be a perfect little boyfriend" She picked you up and smiled at you and said "You said you wanted cake. Here you go." and she smashes you head first into the cake covering your entire head.

You are coughing and sputtering trying to breath and she says "What's a matter? Too much cake for my little rude piggy? I can help you." and she sticks you back in her mouth to lick you clean of all the cake on you and sets you down again. "All better" she says as she gets up to undress for bed wobbling a bit. You sit on the desk and wonder from her comments what she is planning after all Lisa is an FBI agent and Joanne isn't going to be able to steal you from her that easily.

She come back for you with a t-shirt and panties on and takes you to bed. She covers your face with kisses before saying "Night night and placing you in her panties against her pussy again. You aren't excited by another night sleeping in her panties every night and you are just glad that she never rolls onto her stomach when she sleeps. She quickly passes out from the booze and you fall asleep too hoping to get out of this hotel and back to Lisa or maybe your girlfriend tomorrow.
August 17, 2023