Dinner and Drinks with Joanne
Three Wishes Chapter 46
Joanne makes dinner for the two of you and opens a bottle of wine pouring her self a couple glasses and giving you a little in a medicine cup which is like drinking from a bucket. "I'll see if I can find some tiny dishes and cups for you tomorrow", she says shen seeing how difficult even a plastic cup is for you to handle.

After dinner Joanne pours herself a third glass of wine and you worry that she might get physical if she drinks too much like she did at the club and after the wedding. You say "Honey, maybe you should slow down on the wine." hoping she will take the hint. You don't get the reaction you had hoped for when she pokes you in the stomach and knocks you down saying "You're not the boss of me. I can have a drink if I want."

You stand back up and watch her dips her finger in her wine and swirls it around. She holds the wet finger up to you and says "Maybe you haven't had enough to drink. Lick my finger." You don't like where things are going and you say "I had my fill, thanks." She uses her other hand to knock you down on you back and she positions her finger over your mouth and shakes her finger sending drops onto your mouth except a drop to you is like getting a glassful in the face.

You want to get away from her but there is no where to run to on the table and she unbuttons her shirt and undoes her bra exposing her breast. "I have an idea he haven't tried yet." she says as she picks you up in her hand, She says "I think you need more to drink. She wets her fingers and dribbles it over her exposed nipple. She lift you up to the nipple and tells you "Now lick me clean and drink it all up." as she pushes your face into her nipple. She gives you a squeeze and you start to lick it up not wanting to give her a reason to do anything else to you.

You lick it up and don't want to swallow anymore but she doesn't give you a choice. She continues drinking while watching you lick her at the same time. When she is finally satisfied she carries you into the living room with her next glass of wine. She sits down on the sofa drops you by her bare feet. You look up at her wondering what she has in mind but you find out a moment later when her big toe collides into your stomach knocking you down again. She lowers her foot on top of you holding you in place. You head is between her first and second toe so you have a partial view of her. "You don't get to tell me what I can and can't have. That's a bad boyfriend. Are you a bad boyfriend?" she asks. You are afraid that she is just drunk enough to step on you. "No, I'm sorry for saying anything. I won't do that again."

"That's better" she tells you lifting her foot off you. You stand up and want to run and hide from her but you don't want to get another reaction so you slowly back away from her. However, she extends her foot and drags you back closer to her. "Where are you going?" she asks "I want to watch a movie and I want my little sweetie to cuddle with me and give me hugs and kisses." You look back up at her and reply "OK, but I'm way down here. I can't reach you."

She is fiddling with the remote to find the movie she recorded while she was away at the wedding. "That's OK, sweetie" she tells you "Tonight you rub my feet with moisturizer and then when they are nice and soft you can cuddle with them. She reaches over and gets a small jar of moisturizer and unscrews the cap setting it aside and placing the jar next to you. "Chop chop Get to work." she says "This movie isn't even 2 hours long."

You know fighting her when she is drinking won't work and you'll probably end up with some broken ribs so you go to work rubbing the cream into the soles of her feet and between her toes. She says "That feels nice. I think you may have to do this as a regular routine, you're a natural." She giggles at her comment and adds "Make sure to get all around my toes. I want to look good in sandals." as she wiggles her toes at you.

You keep working and think this is harder than polishing to full sized cars. When you finish you collapse next to her foot just hoping she doesn't have any more jobs for you tonight. She feels you leaning against her foot and she pulls her other foot closer wedging you between them. She squeezes you a bit and says "What about my hugs and kisses, mister? Be busy." You want to ignore her but you know better and follow her orders kissing and hugging the top of her foot. "Only 30 more minutes on the movie." she tells you "Don't stop until it's over. You groan at her demands and keep kissing.
August 17, 2023