"You see, you're inside of me!" Twi...
· original author:
She then smiled brightly, it was then you noticed something, her form was flickering.

"which is simple, you see, you're not just in any shipmare's womb, you're inside mine's!" She declared proudly as her form completely fizzled out and reappeared just right in front of you. Much to your surprise, you nearly jumped from your bed. "I've been recording and analyzing everything about you ever since we brought in me, from brainwave signatures down to the exact number of sperm cells in each testicle of yours."

"That's... very creepy... actually." What made you blanch was that little comment of hers rather than the fact that you're inside of her reproductive organ, she seemed to notice your discomfort and reappeared back to her group of friends, all who looked at her as if she grew another head.

"Sorry... I'm just a bit excited."

"We can... tell, Darling.." Rarity began before giving a deadpan look to Pinkie "Maybe is the energizing soup you took, Pinkie was the one that prepared a mix for you before coming here."

"Hey! My mixes are the best! Nopony had complained about it!" Applejack, however, smirked.

"Oh nopony complained, alright, noponyship, anyway. But the crew inside them?" Pinkie sighed and turned to the Applepony.

"Is this about Big Mac, right?"

"Oh no, sugarcube, he was happy and made the mareships around him very happy, is the crew that came to me asking me what the buck is going on."

"Come on, it wasn't even that spiked! I say I was sorry!"

"Is... there is something I'm missing on?" You asked upon seeing this little exchange, Pinkie looked embarrassed and Applejack's mood is getting soured by the minute while Rainbow was snickering

"Oh nothing, just... let's say that Ponyships like Twilight tend to only eat special 'food' for long journeys. Pinkie, as Ship Tender, tends to oversee the making of this type of food or fuel for the ponyship, Pinkie has her own type of mix. While it does improve the performance as she advertises, it tends to be on the experimental side and has some side effects, like Twilight's sudden hypeness and... among other things." Fluttershy explained while being vague on the last sentence.

"Don't worry about it much, Darling. It is normal for Ponyship to have this kind of energy in there, we're just surprised that Twilight ate one of Pinkie's mixes, they tend to have a bit much of a punch than the usual supplement."

"Yeah, there are no issues with me! Just a bit under the effect... yeah." Twilight says a bit flustered, "W-Well, anyway! I'm glad you're accepting this much better than with the others before you, Don't worry about the possible experiments, those are non-invasive and you'll likely enjoy it too! But only after we reach to Ponyville Station, which reminds me." She then turned around to address the small herd of mares, "Alright girls, is time to move!"

"What, already?" Pinkie began "But I want to be more with Nonny!"

"Yes, already, you can have more time with him, Pinkie but we're to charge up the Gallop Drive, and thus, it is needed that my Exo-Armor be properly calibrated for it unless you want a bumpy ride."

"I bet you'd like that with him inside of you, especially as you're right now." Teased Rainbow, making the Alicorn wince a bit but glared at the Pegasus who has a cheeky grin in her face. "Come on, you know you want that."

"Rainbow, sugarcube, this isn't the time." Applejack says then turned to you with a warm smile, "Anyhow, nice to meet ya, see you once we got the Jump prepped and running." And, much to your surprise, she was gone in a literal flash, teleported, just like those in star trek and she wasn't the only one; Pinkie, Rainbow, and Rarity all were gone in the same way but Fluttershy stayed.

"Mind if I stay? As a Xenobiologist and Medic of the Crew, I feel obligated to check and monitor his health."

"I... think I feel quite good myself." On that, Fluttershy smiled.

"Oh I know you do, but I want to be sure."

"I guess... there is no harm, so far I only need Pinkie and Applejack for the Armor calibration, Alright! you can stay in my uterus with Anon." She then turned and smiled "Ooh, I can't wait to start, you gonna love it there! The things we could learn from each other.." Twilight then stopped, her face flustered again, and crossed her hindlegs as if she were retraining something. You felt an rise on temperature on the ambient as the womb started to get... humid and heavy.

"Gosh!" She exclaimed.

"Are you alright, Twilight?" Asked Fluttershy.

"Yeah... The stuff Pinkie does is delicious but... it does have certain strong effects." She says "I hope the other finish it soon, I don't know if I can stand this heat this longer."
June 2, 2023