Vanilla creates a house near her ovaries for th...
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Vanilla took your hands into hers with a smile and leaned in to give you a deep kiss. Her hands wrapped around your waist and you could feel her hands running up and down your thighs and butt, totally unrestricted and unimpeded.
A spark leaped from her fingers as she kneaded and massaged your backside, and a little rabbit shape mark appeared on your inner thigh that symbolized that you were permanently marked as hers.

Your intense makeout session lasted for only another moment, however, as she pulled away leaving you breathless. "That... that was incredible," you said in a hushed tone.
Vanilla giggled, then placed a kiss on the tip of your nose. "That's just one of the many perks there are for working for me, sweetie. You're going to be well taken care of here, I promise."

That's right, you belong to her now. You're her little sperm factory for her to make many babies with, possibly enough to make a small village or town. Vanilla was your entire world now, your everything, and if you wanted to stay safe and hidden from Amy you would have to obey her every whim.

At least that's what she believes in her mind as for you had no other choice in the matter anywhere, were quite in a pickle and being magically exhausted, being within her body would help you in masking you. And since she had magic unlocked, it would help you to charge the power of your lexicon faster.

"I hope so.." You say you were still hesitant despite the choice. "I don't like to be at the mercy of a magic crazy pink witch." You say you have nothing against Amy, but she wasn't helping the situation.
Vanilla pulled you into a hug and stroked at your hair. "You don't have to worry about her, dear. Amy can't reach you where you are now, and even if she could, I wouldn't let her harm you. Now... let me show you where you're going to be staying before I can put you to work. "
Your head shot up, and you eyed her with alarm. "What, already?"
Vanilla nodded. "I don't want any more delays. The sooner you become acclimated to my body, the better. This way, I can ensure that you're well adjusted and comfortable with the job that's required. Let's go, don't dawdle now."
Vanilla used the full force of her maternal experience as she took your hand into hers and tugged you toward one of the huge tunnels bored into the walls of the uterus. Her hands were so firm and strong that you couldn't pull away, so you were forced to move in lockstep with her.
You blinked as you followed her projection deeper into her reproductive organ' tunnel, it was then you noticed something as the place was getting bigger. No, it was more like you and her projection were shrinking, which made the place even bigger to your eyes, the narrow tunnel was getting bigger into it was a big cavern on its right now, she guided you through pulsing gateway until you saw something on the distance, a building..?
Yes, it was a building, seemly constructed next to the walls of the fallopian tube on an area lacking the hair-like tentacles made to push the egg down to the uterus.
Vanilla led you closer to the odd structure before she released your hand, turned around, and announced, "Here we are, your new place of residence. I hope you find it accommodating."
You craned your neck around her huge body to get a better look, then gasped at what you saw.
The house looked astonishingly normal compared to its immediate surroundings, to the point that you had to rub your eyes to make sure you weren't seeing things.
You thought that she would dump you in some kind of flesh cave or something, but this was on an entirely another level.
It was as if she had shrunken down an entire building and placed it in her body just for your arrival.
"How... are you able to make something like this?" You asked in complete bewilderment on witnessing this house, To learn to make something like this the proper means to do so and to shrink it and teleport it" You said in disbelief "It would take months, perhaps a year, tops." Vanilla's only response was a giggle as she walked toward the residence and opened the door to you then you realized something "... You simply found a house and shrunk it, did you?"
Vanilla chose not to answer and giggled again. You guess you're not going to get any answers out of her.
The interior of the house looked no less mundane than the outside, and it was surprisingly a cozy affair as well. There were two overstuffed couches situated around a coffee table. Nearby was a device that closely resembled a TV set built into the wall. Vanilla pointed over to it and said,
"From there you can watch the outside world through my eyes, be privy to all my thoughts and fantasies and even look into my dreams depending on what channel you're using. This should provide plenty of entertainment for your stay here."
"Interesting," you muttered softly, unsure of what else to say. This was sort of like the amenities that you might expect at a hotel, so nothing really bad could be said of it. "Neat."
Her smirk didn't waver as you looked around the place, and she stood before you with a knowing grin. "Just remember, that while you're only here because I allow it and as long you supply, you'll stay here... as a rabbit, I don't have to deal with heat seasons which means that my eggs tend to come by regularly, you meant to spread your seed in me and give me new kits, a legacy of magical rabbits." She says and a reminder of your place here, you held a sigh, but at least, you did consider the idea exciting in its way, it has more pros compared to being Amy's instead "Now if you want some more... personal... approach, I won't mind, my bed is always available."
She leaned in close, and a cool shiver ran down your spine as she whispered, "Always..."
With one last giggle, she then...
June 2, 2023