She knows but decided to keep you for her and h...
· original author:
"Very well... You may stay and hide in here. If Amy asks then I have no idea who you are and have never seen you." Her eyes shone with a sparkling light deep within her pupils as she spoke. You couldn't tell whether it was magic or if it was just a trick of the light.
You didn't let go of the breath you were holding in because you knew that there was a "but" coming next.
"However..." Called it.
Vanilla came very close to you, to the point where her breasts were directly level with your face. "However, that doesn't mean you're quite off the hook yet, young man. You entered into my body without permission, and I'm not about to let somebody just stay inside my womb rent-free. If you want to stay here and not be found by Amy, you're going to have to give yourself over completely to me and my daughter, while you live under my roof you belong to us and anything I ask you to do you will do it without question, and I will give you my word that you will be treated fairly and well cared for. If that's not the kind of rule you want to love under then I'm afraid that I can't help you and you'll have to be on your own."
Her tone was almost mournful as she said this, like having to throw you out into the cold was the last thing she wanted to do.
You know that Vanilla has a kind heart and she hates acting like a severe stepmother just to prove a point, but she's also a responsible parent and homeowner who needs to set an example for her young daughter.

"Mother..." Cream harshly whispered, shocked, and mortified at her mother's words.
You, however, closely considered Vanilla's words, weighing all of your options.
June 2, 2023