"She take an nap but don't worry, she i...
"My mom usually takes a nap on this hour, usually after she is done cooking and go to the groceries or tending the garden." She turned to you "She is a heavy sleeper, so we can get inside of her while she sleeps." That is a good idea, you nods to her, she beams as she guides you toward her sleeping mother which was her room. Your eyes wide surprisely as you passed through the semi-open door on the sight of the sleeping goddess before you. Sleeping on her right side was Vanilla, totally naked, exposed as the day she was born to the world.

You gulped as your eyes wondered on those curves of hers, her tighs and lucious legs, wide hips and bubblelicious and round butt, her mountainous milky bossom.. you had seen plenty of 'fanarts' of her and.. wow you, this really close to those depiction of her..

"Hihihi!" The sudden giggling of Cream snaps out of your trance, you notices her smirking on you. "You're excited more of this than I am." She says in a teasing tone, you smiles yourself with an blush. "Aww, it's fine, If Momma were on our side, she would be flattened and love your company. Mommy says that I too have a great chance to get my own boy friend soon as I'm a an early bloomer, she said that when she was on my age, she used to be more smaller and flat chested, only daddy come to her and so I have much more chance to get one than her." She then looked sadly "I really don't know if its true, though."

"I'm sure you'll, you're very cute and attractive girl." She blush.

"Y-You really think so?" You gave her an warm smile and approches her, giving her an small peck to her forehead, she was stunned her blush intensify. The porpuse of this was reassure her but it seems that it worked way too well, she shyly moved away and giggled.

"So..." She started "Where we go inside of..."

You nodded on the question and floated around the sleeping giantess and frowned..

"What's wrong?"

"There is no many options, in fact, her mouth is closed, I'm won't dare to enter her nose and ears, the latter being more or less risky as we could wake her up and alert her, we need to shrink more to to get inside of her milk ducts of her nipples, we could annoy her and make her move on her sleep then catapult us out as she move. There is only two option lft and I'm more willing for one than the other."

"And what it is?"

"Say.... you know where babies come from, Cream?" She nods confusedly until she gasped in realization and covered her mouth.

"You wanna go Momma's..." You nodded.

"Yeah, inside of her vagina, if she rolls over and move, we could still crawl inside of her, get into the cervix and push ourselves inside of her womb. I feel it's the best place to be a refuge. I could drawn an teleport rune in the walls and use it to teleport in and out in case Amy come in looking for me." You finihed, logically, it was the ideal place but Cream was blushing madly now, you frowned

"Cream... I know it's wrong but you have to trust me on this."

"I-It's fine!" Cream blunted out "its fine really... I just find it exciting.." She smiles fondly "To go inside of momma like this once more..."

"You actually looking forward?" She nods.

"Kind of.." She giggles, "Come on, let's get inside!" She beckons you as she flight toward her mom's legs, and close to her exposed crotch and nether lips, you followed behind her kind of overwhelmed by being this close to her like this, her body was simply huge given your size. Cream and You went close to the wet, closed lips, however, it was easy to slip inside. So instead of waiting for her to roll over, you and cream simply slipped inside, Vanilla grunted slightly and her body tensed but otherwise, didn't wake up as her daughter and you crawled inside of her rabbit tunnel, you two were fully inside the warm and ribbed tunnel, tight and wet but very slippery, making it easy to crawl further inside.

"So tight... yet soft..." She says grunting as she moved inside with you, you nodded at her, the tight tunnel reacted and pulsed as you slowly but surely moved inside, you didn't wanted to alert the sleeping mother so it was needed to go slow and steady, the walls helped a lot as it pulsed and tighen around you both and pulled you further inside, Cream yelped while you remained silent but still surprised until you both were a more spacious area, on front and against of the ringed muscled gateway, twitching and slightly dilating.

Vanilla's cervix, the gateway to Cream's old and first room.

"It think some entered in my mouth..." Cream tasted "It does taste bitter carrot with vanilla."

"We still have to get in.." You says as you rubbed the cervix gently, it tensed a bit then twitched more, dilating slightly. You couldn't help but feel goosebumps and excitement for just being here. You were also hard as diamond, the mind image of Vanilla's body and the awareness of being inside of her vagina kind of helped. You try to hide it away from Cream but given the darkness here, there was illumination coming from your book and Cream's suit, orange energy lines serving to see the darkness of the place.

"I think I know." Cream blushed as she approches to the cervix and gave it a kiss to the muscle, making it twitch a lot more, surprising you slightly on Cream's approach but it seemed to work as it began to dilating more, opening slowly. But also making the place shake and tremble, you followed her lead by gropping and licking the sphincter to Vanilla's womb. The place vibrates as you two heard Vanilla's loud moan but soon, you two were now looking inside of the spacious womb.

"Let's shrink a bit more and get inside before it close, we molested her alot." You says as you casted the shrinking spell on yourself, making you much more smaller, Cream followed your lead using the inner computer of her tight-suit and she shrunk as well and hastily entered with you

You landed on the endometrium, the womb's spongy floor absorbs your landing as so were Cream's, you looked behind to see the cervix closing behind. You were here, Cream's old and first room. It was spacious that you expected but considering the Rabbit's mother size and that she gave birth once, it kind of to be expected. You looked on the twitiching living twin tunnels facing each other which were her ovaries.

"Wow... I'm back inside of Mommy's tummy." Yout hear Cream's murmur in awe. "It's so big, warm and cozy.." She knelt down and touched the pulsing, living floor "it's so... viscous but soft and spongy... it's like a bed."

"Yeah... also spacious, perfect for making a base here for the time being." You says, you rises your hands, ready to start your work on the creation for an small habitat for you here.

What happened next?
June 2, 2023