just wait until the book gets its power back
It was much better until the book recharge, you didn't wanted any incidents involving it and now that you were small enough to be hiddenipeasiky but also involves a lot of dangers which being on being unable to be discovered unless being fully observant and also Vanilla turns out to be on the same boat as Amy which helps from her become less likely.

It was during the few days with her, you had become a bit dependant to your Younger Giantess guardian, Cream, who was happy to help you and cover you from Amy and her Mom. Amy hadn't come to her home for quite sometime which was both a blessing and a quite complication.

You had accidents, however, harmless but still having a few close calls on being discovered by Vanilla or being almost intimate with Cream, turns out that she enjoys to sleep naked, her mother as well. So when you were to sleep with her. She placed you between her young bust.

It wasn't the accident. The accident was that she got thirsty and forgot that you were between her breast as she got out to get to the kitchen, yelped when you fell and grabbed on her pubic fur, close to her clitoral hood and her petite mound. Cream apologized and now you slept on next to her pillow.

There were few close calls you had with Vanilla. One Cream left you to the bathroom and the Rabbit Matriarch came to have a bath, undressing completely unaware of your precense, seeing her was like seeing an fertility goddess in the flesh, hypnotised by her cheer maternal beauty and hourglass-like thiccness, she was easily taller than Cream and Sticks, much bigger. She might not able to find you as you almost too small for her to see you.

It wasn't really a close call, the close call was when she almost ate you much later that day when Cream left on top of the table, near the bread and you just happen to held on the bread she choose, just when you you were entering her mouth you dashed out it with magic, bounced using her mountainous breasts and floated toward an almost shocked Cream who saw the whole thing.

You weren't worried about being eaten, far from it. You got charms that protects you from the acid and white cells in case of being on a gigantic world with gigantic inhabitants, the problem was on going out without her noticing. The very experience was thrilling though, not just on that but on how it you were living so far, this was that he kind of thrill you were looking for.

Now, it bring you to this moment where you..
June 2, 2023