"The itch's gone though" Miriam then said, the annoying irritation deep in her crack had disappeared, though she could feel like it had left some kind of indentation behind on her skin. She frowned, hoping that it wouldn't leave any permanent marks.

"Who would've known? All you had to do was let one out!" Caren giggled "To be fair, that's how I deal with most of mine"

"Girl, please. I've done that since way before you were even in your mama's belly" Miriam laughed "Oldest trick in the book"

"At least with the kind of lunch we ate you shouldn't have to worry about any future itches" Caren said with a cheeky smile, making Miriam giggle and respond with another big, loud fart. That sudden noise with no warning even startled the nun for a moment before she burst out laughing, although she was also blushing, already loving to see such a big beautiful booty letting loose.

"Are you sure the thing giving you an itch wasn't your hidden fart switch?" Caren asked, barely suppressing her own laughter and making Miriam burst into a fit of giggles. Other than when hanging out with Sheila, she didn't often indulge in this kind of silly humor that she loved.

"Hmm, who knows? But I think I started feeling gassy since I got rid of that itchy thing, whatever it was" Miriam said as she nonchalantly plopped down on her chair, making it groan as if complaining about the large weight it had to hold up, particularly the amount located around the bottom portions of her body.

You couldn't believe your situation, you had been sent into this terrible mission and it was as if you were punished for doing what you were told, that enormous fart your mom ripped blasted you back to her thong, where the crumpled piece of paper, with its jagged shape it easily got stuck among the thong's threads and you were forced to hold onto it for dear life, or risk falling into the ginormous dark abyss nearby.

Then, without any warning, or even any sign that it would happen, you were blasted with a second, equally massive thunderous hurricane of noxious, hot gases that swirled like a tornado while blowing into you with great force.

'Okay, I may understand that she farted when I was pulling at this thing, but what the hell was the second fart for?!' You thought. It wasn't like your mom to punish you for obeying her, so this hardly made any sense. And then, almost predictably enough, thigs got even worse when you felt your entire self-contained world plummet down and land with a booming noise, as your mom's gigantic and mostly fatty, fleshy planetoid sized cheeks rested heavily on top of her chair, these two enormous masses engulfed you in between, sandwiching with their squishy bulk.

'Wow, did she forget already?' Caren raised an eyebrow, feeling like that was uncharacteristically rough of her if she knew you were there, with how much she loved you as her 'precious baby boy'.

"So... what was it that was giving you that pesky itch?" Caren asked, trying to subtly guiding her towards remembering you without outright mentioning it.

"Beats me" Miriam shrugged.

"You didn't see what it was?" Caren raised an eyebrow.

"Oh! Yeah, I should've checked!" Miriam's eyes widened for a moment, she then smiled and stood up, needing to struggle once again with her overly tight business skirt in order to get the zipper down, trying to contain a curvaceous bottom of her caliber should be illegal. In fact, she remembered that her boss once joked about something similar, complaining that it was unnecessarily difficult to dress up her 100 inch booty, which further impressed Miriam, as it was the only woman she knew that surpassed her friend Dolores in the big butt department.

After a few minutes of jumping up and down and struggling to pull the zipper down, Miriam finally succeeded at pulling down her skirt's zipper, allowing him to reach into her underwear and feel around for the mystery object, almost immediately picking up the crumpled ball of paper, fishing it out of her crack and bringing it to her face, giving it a curious look.

"A piece of paper, huh?" She said.

"Hey, mom" You sarcastically waved at her, as you were sitting on top of that piece of paper, yet it looked like your presence had escaped your mom's radar somehow.

"H-Huh?!" Miriam's eyes widened for a moment, the memories coming back. In her defense, her work was mentally exhausting enough that it was hard to keep track of stuff, she'd already been at work for about 7 hours or so, and she'd probably have to work for several more hours today.
"Oh, sweetie!" She smiled, affectionately patting you with her fingertip, which was massive to you given your height of 2 millimeters. Her sincere, goofy but happy look made your annoyance melt away, there was no way you could get mad at her.
"Thank you for getting this thing out of there! It was driving me nuts!" She giggled, bringing you to her chest for a massive impromptu hug, then putting you on it.

"I think you were the one who got me out of there" You said and you somehow sensed as if a loading wheel icon appeared above your mom's head as she processed what you just told her. You knew her well enough that you practically guessed the timing for it, hearing a "DING!" in your head as it finally clicked in her mind. She giggled, admittedly cutely for a moment before looking down at you.

"Yeah, I guess I did" She smiled "At least you had this little thing to fly on" She began to giggle again, trying to picture in her own head, albeit in a much funnier light than it actually was.

"Yeah but I didn't book a flight with Stinky Air-Lines" You replied, wanting to laugh a little but trying not to. She laughed regardless.

"Okay, touché" She said "But... was it that bad?"

You facepalmed. You wanted to tell her that it was like a gigantic hurricane accompanied by a deafening thunder, but at the end of the day, you weren't really hurt, just startled by the noise and annoyed by the smell, in principle not different at all from every other time she's let loose around you.

"No, mom... it wasn't" You said with a defeated sigh. Behind you, Caren giggled.

'Wow, she wasn't kidding when she said he's a good boy. Really loves his mom, how cute~' She thought. Of course, this only made her want to mess with you even more, though she kept quiet for now.

Miriam cooed and hugged you again while examining the crumpled ball of paper, wondering out loud how that thing made it all the way down her crack. You said that it was best not to know sometimes, to which she agrees and with a nonchalant chuckle, she flicks it away into the trashcan.

"Okay, you can unshrink me n-" You turned and tried to speak to Caren when your mom gleefully picked you up with her index and thumb and brought you to her face once more.

"You did a really good job scratching that itch for me, honey~" She said, practically cooing.

"N-No problem mom, don't mention it... for real"

"That means you deserve a reward" She said with a smile and glanced in Caren's direction with a renewed gleam to her eyes. Caren's own eyes widened and then she gave an approving nod.

"What kind of reward?" You asked with a nervous tone. Under normal circumstances, your mom's rewards were usually cooking some of your favorite meals, a game you liked or sillier stuff like hugs, kisses or her own quirky brand of cuddling that mostly involved her big butt. At this size, you had no idea, but that brief look she threw at Caren made you worried.

"You'll see" She said with a wink, and before you knew it, she brought you back around her waist and above her giant badonk. Your eyes widened. There's no way she's going to put you there again, right? It was one thing to send you to take care of her itch... You turned to look at Caren and stared daggers at her, knowing in your heart that this had to be her doing. She smiled and silently waved you goodbye.

Miriam then lowered you down into her still open skirt and soon you found yourself once more trapped in the warm, dark reeking abyss she called a crack. Her fingers quickly withdrew and you felt getting smothered by an enormous pressure coming from both sides, caused by an unfathomable amount of squishy booty fat. You heard the zipper go up, feeling your stomach sink.

"You were right! This is even better than when he hugged me when he was little" She said to Caren with a cheerful giggle.

"Oh no..." You then realized how Caren got her to do this and facepalmed hard. Of course your mom would talk about those embarrassing memories. You were simply small, innocent and unlucky. Trying to hug your mom while she was standing up and from behind turned out very poorly, though in your childish innocence, you failed to see it and that apparently earned your mom's adoration. She thought that getting your face engulfed by her massive buns was simply yet another cute, quirky form of cuddling.

"He must love it too!" Caren egged her on "After all, mama's butt is so soft and warm"

Miriam blushed, then remembered that she'd already let loose twice, both upon you.
"I think it's a bit too warm right now" She giggled guiltily, but Caren could tell that despite that look, she enjoyed it.

"Really? The A/C is making things pretty chilly" Caren said, mimicking an exaggerated shivering, Miriam got the hint.

"Oh yeah, you're right, it is pretty chilly for sure" She giggled, feeling like she was back in the good old times up to no good.

"God.Frickin.Dammit" You said as you had heard the entire exchange and you knew exactly where this was headed. Without much of a warning, your mom's gargantuan badonk erupted with yet another rumbling, thundering blast of a fart, though this time, with the way you'd been positioned, her hefty, jiggly cheeks held you down in place while the giant noxious tornado blew past you. At least it was relatively short, but just as loud as the previous one. The smell was stronger though, a hot reek of beans, meat and spice.

"Okay, enough for now! I'll just hug my baby with these lovely buns" Miriam chuckled as she playfully kneaded her large cheeks, unwittingly given Caren quite the show, she wanted to also give those juicy buns a good squeeze herself...

May 15, 2023