Meet Sister Caren, the part-time nun
"Hello" You greeted Sister Caren back, feeling quite intimidated. She was really pretty, plus silver hair and golden eyes were extremely unusual. There was a slight otherworldly aura to her person, almost like a goddess disguising in human form. If you were already struggling with Lillian and Jen, it was going to be even harder to keep yourself in check with someone like this.

"Don't worry, I'll just come back later when Father Díaz isn't busy" You said, wanting to leave as soon as possible, feeling as if her beauty would bewitch you if you stayed for much longer. But just as you feared, you felt a delicate feminine hand grab you by the shoulder, stopping you in your tracks.

"Why are you leaving so soon?" She asked and it almost sounded like she moaned that question, which further confused you. You turned to look at her and she simply smiled "Father Díaz sometimes takes more than a day to complete some of his errands. But he's asked me to assist you... There's no problem with that, is it?"

"No, of course not" You laughed nervously. You knew her hand held your shoulder very gently but somehow, you could feel as if it exerted a great force upon you, keeping you immobile.

"I might be a part time nun but I'm just as qualified to help with spiritual matters, you know?" She said. You found it odd that she worked as a nun only part time, plus, you thought nuns were much older, but then again the priest didn't look much older than 30.

At this point, you could see two clear paths: To do as the priest instructed and have this nun help with your troubles, which you weren't quite convinced about yet OR to just find a way to leave and preserve what's left of your dignity. But thinking of a valid way to get out of here felt way harder.

"Awww, come on. Am I really that scary?" She pouted cutely and as she walked closer towards you, you couldn't help but notice her large chest bouncing "That hurts my feelings" Just as she said that she caught you in a hug from behind pressing those large, soft breasts you just had glanced at "I just want to help"

Setting aside the fact that you didn't think a nun should be this touchy-feely, you felt bad for her. Maybe you were judging her too unfairly, and for what? Just because she's pretty? She didn't ask to be born that way. But then again, you didn't exactly want to reveal your intimate struggles to someone like her precisely for those reasons. Yet, against your better judgement, you chose to do that, your conscience weighed more than your self consciousness at least for this one.

"Alright! We can head over to the confessional since it seems to be a delicate matter" She said. It surprised you a little that she spoke right after you had silently made your decision. But there was no way she could read your mind, was it? Plus, she was even trying to protect your privacy, so maybe you could trust her for real.

She let go of you and turned around, walking towards the confessional, which, like most things in this church, looked really antique and was beautifully made of some fancy sort of wood, sporting various angels and saints carved into it. Unlike the one you remembered, this confessional seemed to be built more like a cabinet that hid both the person confessing and the penitent, which you appreciated.

Another thing you couldn't help but appreciate was Caren's huge booty, which bulged way too much, making her nun's tunic look awfully tight in the back. Those big butt cheeks swayed and bounced just as much as Lulu's if not even more. You tried to take your eyes off them, but it almost felt like there was a supernatural allure to them and the only way to prevent it was to close your eyes as you walked. Unknown to you, the silver haired and golden eyed nun took notice, giggling quietly.

"Let's get in so we can talk" She said in a soft, gentle tone more befitting of her job. It turned out to be pretty effective as you did exactly as she said without further questioning.

Now that you were inside the confessional, you took a seat on a built-in bench, again, different from the stuff you remembered, as the confessionals you knew were made to have the penitent kneeling. The two compartments were separated by a latticed wall, though a section of it looked like it was made into a window. Before you could speak, you got startled by a surprisingly loud and bassy burp that made the confessional's wooden walls rumble a little.

"Excuse me" Caren giggled "Needed to let that out. Plus it serves as a test, nobody heard us. If we were heard, the Mother Superior would be rushing towards us right now to scold me for being 'uncouth'. Can you believe that? Haha!"

'Why does it feel like this is another one of Lillian's kindred spirits...' You thought but nodded awkwardly to roll along with her.

"By the way, you already heard my name, but what's yours, hun?" She said, catching you off guard with a surprisingly seductive sounding older woman voice. Weirdly enough, it had a vibe similar to Jordana's for some reason.

"Blaise... Blaise Santos" You replied hesitantly.

"Ooh. That surname's not so common around here" She said with a cheerful chuckle "There's this lady that works for the city mayor as her direct assistant or something, she has that same surname. Any chance you're related?"

Your eyes widened. This girl knows your mom?! That was about the last thing you expected to hear today. And you didn't even want to begin to think of the shenanigans these two would be up to if they teamed up. Then again... maybe this is exactly why your mom told you to go to the Church in the first place 'Goddammit, mom!' You thought. You suspected she was trying to set you up to get a girlfriend even if she never stated it outright, regardless of your own feelings on the matter.

"Sooo... does that ring a bell? I remember her name, Miriam. A pretty one, and a biblical one too" She said, almost as if she were changing the subject but you knew her question still lingered in the air.

"Y-Yeah, she's my mom" You said embarrassedly. You already sensed that this girl was too keen and you were too lousy of a liar to try and pull the wool over her eyes. Come to think of it, various of your friends may have been exploiting your sincerity since they knew you couldn't lie even if you wanted. You shook your head and chose to ignore those thoughts for now.

"Knew it!" Caren said "Almost the same skin tone, well, yours is a bit lighter. But the eyes were unmistakable. Not that many people have truly black eyes"

"Thank you...?" You weren't sure if that was a compliment, but you often preferred to assume kindness before malice, so you ruled out sarcasm as the first option.

"You're welcome" She giggled "You better be careful, those could bewitch some poor unsuspecting girl's heart. And you'd have to take responsibility if you're a devotee of our Lord"

"Uhhh, it's not necessary to worry about that. I'm pretty much your boring, average everydude that nobody bats an eyelash at. That kind of thing won't happen" You laughed somewhat nervously but tried to lighten the mood.

"Are you sure about that?" Caren asked in a more cryptic, possibly teasing or seductive tone but you couldn't tell for sure which one it was "Lying is a sin, you know?"

"Not lying. I couldn't lie to save my life even if I really tried" You chuckled, scratching the back of your head. Caren remained silent for a moment, then you heard her take a breath before shifting to a calmer, more serious tone.

"Okay, so what troubles your young soul?" She asked. You felt your heart skip a beat, this was the moment of truth, any chances of getting away were already long gone. Still, something deep in your mind, perhaps the voice of your subconscious, kept warning you about telling this girl that kind of sensitive info. It took you a moment to gather your thoughts and muster the courage to ignore your own mental warnings.

"I have these, um... these urges, or I dunno what to call them... desires? That I can't quite control, and I really need to keep them at bay because they could not just ruin whatever reputation I have left, they could ruin good relationships with close friends of mine" You said, keeping it a bit vague for now but knowing that she'd likely ask for details.

"Sounds pretty serious. But I need to know, what exact kind of urges are we talking about?" She said with a subtle sing-song vibe, almost as if she already knew the answer and was merely toying with you like a cat with its prey.

'Called it' You thought and facepalmed, rubbing your temples as you were beginning to feel a bit of a headache.
"I don't think it's appropriate to tell that you a lady. This is why I needed to talk to Father Díaz" You said, wondering if your evasive would work. It wasn't even a lie, you sincerely believed that a girl like her shouldn't be hearing these things from you, even if it was for less than noble motives, aka not making the wrong impression.

"It doesn't matter if it's a man or a woman on the other side of the confessional, we're all servants of the Lord in here" She spoke in a solemn tone that would've been a good fit for an actual female preacher, surprising you yet again since this girl gave you a more careless and nonchalant vibe.
"You can trust me" She said with a slight giggle.

You took a very deep breath and struggled a little to scrounge up the courage to keep going, you really were feeling wrong about this but at this point there was no going back. With a defeated sigh, you replied, feeling as if you were tying the noose around your own neck already.

"I feel this unnatural attraction to... a certain part of girl's bodies. I'm doing everything I can to keep it under control! But if I slip up, it will make me look like a hopeless creep" You clenched your teeth, you had gotten so close, but if you could be spared from saying exactly what was the source of your inner turmoil you'd call it a victory.

"That doesn't sound that bad to me. But what specific part are we talking about?" Caren spoke in a way that made you practically feel her grin...
May 12, 2023