Confessing To Caren
'She's really going to make me say it' You thought, rolling your eyes and feeling utterly defeated. You weren't even sure why, it didn't seem like she was that much of a smooth talker. Then again, there was also her unusual beauty... but what the hell was that massive burp anyway?

"It's girl's butts" You sighed "I swear I'm not a degenerate or anything" You added, feeling necessary to make a case for yourself since you were telling this to a girl, a thing you wouldn't have thought of doing under any other circumstances. You then heard giggling cutely, that didn't help.

"Oh. That's a very normal thing for a healthy young boy to feel an attraction for" She said, and even through the latticed wall that was supposed to hide her, you saw that she shrugged nonchalantly and it seemed that she sensed the look you have her.
"Why, you think there's something wrong with that?"

"All of it? I mean, isn't the Church all about suppressing or controlling all these harmful desires that make people sin?" You replied, feeling weird to be trying to explain this to the sort of person who should be telling you about it in the first place.

"That sounded so medieval right now" Caren laughed "I know the Church used to be like that a long time ago, but that was more prudish old men pushing their own interpretation of the holy Scripture"

"H-Huh?" Now you felt like you got caught in a weird parody of something and you weren't given the memo.

"Come on, Blaise. You look like a smart guy. Think about it: Everything, including ourselves, was lovingly created by our Lord, and that includes the human body..." Caren said, for once sounding more like an actual nun.
"Which also includes the female body" She smiled "The Lord wrote into our DNA how our bodies would develop and shape as we grow. And also created our brains. Which means that the Lord also put it into the male brain to feel a natural attraction towards aspects of the female body that indicate good health and fertility. So, are you saying that all these intricate and beautifully complex systems that the Lord in their infinite wisdom put in place are wrong?"

"I..." Even if you weren't fully into the idea of creationism, you found yourself floored by the way she put that explanation. Within the Church's own context, it made perfect sense, which further baffled you because you thought religion would've been more about restraint.

"So, recapping: Here we have a healthy young boy that feels a natural attraction towards a part of girl's bodies that's supposed to be attractive... and somehow he thinks it's wrong" Caren giggled again, knowing that your mind had been just blown.

"But why would God intentionally put something that'd make people do bad things?" You asked, feeling conflicted by the information you'd just received.

"The Lord didn't do anything of the sort. We were given free will, you know, the freedom to choose. And just like there's the potential for good, there's the potential for evil or sin too" She explained but she sensed that you were getting more and more baffled "Allow me to explain it with a different example: The Lord designed our hands, these highly precise and complex appendages that can do so many things, like playing melodies on musical instruments, constructing massive structures or performing incredibly delicate surgery... But we can also use these hands to hurt others. We can ball them into fists and punch someone, or we could strangle them. We could also wield a weapon, or even a tool and use it like a weapon... but, does that mean our hands were made for that just because they can?" Caren now definitely sounded like someone much wiser than you gave her credit for. Her previous silliness maybe was just the personality quirks that come with the territory, if your genius friend Zuemy is anything to go by.

"Wow. That was a pretty good way to put it" You said sincerely "So, there's nothing wrong with the attraction in itself, it's only if it leads me to doing bad things that it's evil, but that's because I'm choosing so myself?"

"Mmmhmm" Caren nodded, feeling satisfied that you understood.

"Okay... I guess that makes me feel a bit better" You said. Even if not completely, some weight had been lifted off your shoulders. You were a bit surprised this ended up going this well considering you didn't have much faith in this idea.
"But that still doesn't quite help me, I need some way to keep these things under control, there's people I care about and I don't wanna ruin my relationship with them"

Hearing this, Caren practically confirmed her previous suspicion that you were trying to hard to keep yourself under control because there was someone you wanted to impress, a girl you wanted to ask out. She smiled, as a bunch of different ideas came to her mind. She quickly sorted them out and decided that she'd get to do them when the time was right.

"I think that to accomplish what you want, first and foremost you need to forgive yourself, and accept the way you are. Without inner peace, you won't be able to accomplish any further goals" Caren replied.

"I was hoping to get help with that" You said, once again a little surprised that she almost gave you the same kind of advice that Zuemy did, despite being in entirely opposite areas.

"Hmm... well. There is something that can be done" Caren said in a more solemn tone "But this would be the kind of thing that's bound by the Seal of Confession"

"Huh? Sorry, what's that?" You asked, wanting to say that you weren't really a devotee but felt like that remark might throw this entire thing off at this point.

"Everything spoken inside this confession box is not to be disclosed to anyone, this will be something kept between only between ourselves with the Lord as our witness" She said.

"Oh, like patient-doctor or laywer-client confidentiality?"

"In essence, yes, though at a higher level than either of those" Caren replied with a faint chuckle "Now, for the next part, I need you to verbally agree to be bound by the Seal. Just a formality"

"Y-Yes, I agree to be bound by the Seal of Confession" You said hesitantly, relieved that this meant that Caren wouldn't go blabbing about this to anyone, but also felt nervous for some reason. You then saw that Caren opened the window in the middle of the latticed wall and held her open palm out.
"Alright. What you're about to witness is something beyond the usual, that of which cannot be explained by mere science. A modern miracle... a little one, but a miracle nonetheless" She said, and you could swear that her golden eyes glowed for a second.
"I'll need you to repeat what you just said" Caren then held her open palm out and a heptagram made of golden light formed before it. Your eyes widened. Nobody told you that people in the Church could perform supernatural things like this!

You took a few deep breaths and slowly reached out, until your open hand lined with hers and they touched. The golden heptagram was effectively made of light, so you couldn't touch it, but you feel the warmth that irradiated, like that of a heated blanket. Something about it seemed to soothe your nerves.
"I agree to be bound by the Seal of Confession" You said, feeling more at ease. When you finished uttering those words, the golden light between your hand and hers intensified, and you felt tingling shocks that traveled up your arm and into your torso, wrapping around your beating heart like vines. You saw light coming from the left side of your chest, almost like that of Iron Man's reactor, although golden rather than bluish.

"W-What was that?!" You asked, pulling the collar of your shirt to see an identical heptagram on your chest, its light faded but the symbol itself remained as if you'd gotten a tattoo.

"The Seal of Confession. It'll just ensure you don't speak of this" Caren explained in a weirdly calm tone "Now, I can show you things that not all devotees get to witness" She giggled "Some of the Lord's servants have gifts that make us different from the rest. And let's say I can call upon some kinds of miracles"

You wondered if you got into the wrong church.

"I can help you feel the Lord's soft, forgiving embrace to calm you on a deep spiritual level, that's about the best I can do to help your case" She said "Now, close your eyes and bring your face closer to the window"

You hesitated for a moment but obeyed, and the moment you closed your eyes, it felt as if they were firmly shut, like you couldn't open them again until you got explicit permission. You then stood up and brought your face closer towards the window. You couldn't even begin to imagine what kind of crazy thing she'd do after what you just saw.

With a satisfied giggle, Caren turned around and hopped onto an unseen shelf under the window, sticking her massive booty into said window, with great difficulty as she forced herself to cram her bountiful booty flesh into the window's limited area, but she felt satisfied enough. Blushing and suppressing more giggling when she felt your face making contact, wedging into her crack.

"Huh?" You felt like your face was surrounded by something warm and squishy, kind of like jello or a memory foam bed. But it gave off a warmth of its own 'What kind of embrace is this?' You thought, wondering if somehow you were getting your face hugged by an actual cloud from Heaven. Unfortunately, soon you noticed that these plump 'clouds' reeked, in a way that didn't take you very long to recognize.
'Wait a minute, don't tell me that this is her a-' Your thought was pretty much obliterated as you got caught by a loud, trumpeting noise that also resembled a revving engine, with a large gust of wind blowing into your face with a surprising amount of force, enough to push you back a few inches, plus a noxious stench of rotten cheese and spoiled milk that engulfed you.

You coughed and gagged and you finally could open your eyes, seeing that indeed, Caren had just stuck her huge butt into the window and had blasted you with a point blank fart to the face. You couldn't see hers, but somehow you could sense that right now she bore a smug grin and was barely holding back a bout of laughter.
May 12, 2023