Hell ya! (Go with her)
A Tiny Child Chapter 14
· original author:
"You think i will reject that" you laughed.

"You little pervert" she smiled.

"But you asked!"

"Okay you really want to see this?"

You smiled like a pervert.

"I will accept that yes?"

"Probably" you said.

"Okay! Lets go the nudity waits us!"

You get excited.

2 minut later you two in the bathroom.

"Okay you are ready?"

"Yes! Yes!"

"Okay lets start!"

She first takes out her shirt. You see her bra. Next one is bra. You see her boobs. You try to control yourself.
Next one is her skirt. You see her panties. And the best one! Panties! You see her vagina. Its beatifull you think.

"Alright brother we are starting." You cant move because of your legs. They feels like jell. Its kinna cool you think. You see your sister enter to bath.

"Okay brother we are alone at home for 2 week"
"I promise i will take good care of ya" she smiled.

You wispered yourself
"I hope so"

May 12, 2023