He is in really bad shape. . .
A Tiny Child Chapter 7
· original author:
"M-m-mom, Jake is hurt really bad!! I really messed up!! He was in my shoe, and. . well. . . h-he. . h-he looks like he is crushed up!!"

Amanda's giant fingers reached down with her free hand and pulled you up and into the air off of the bench. As she gripped your tiny frame, your mouth opened wide, attempting to scream, but you were still super mangled so not a peep came out of you. Internally, you were suffering extreme horrible pain. Again, you had never been hurt this badly before. This was the worst you had ever gotten. As you were gently brought towards Amanda's face, you could feel the wind rush around your body. The motion also contributed to the massive amount of pain your body was going under. You were not sure you were going to make it at this point.

Looking at you carefully, Amanda had a look of horror on her face. She had never seen you this bad before. When she first found you, you definitely looked bad. . but. . but just. . not like this. Not like this at all. You were closer to the phone now, so you could hear your mom talking to Amanda.

“Honey, listen to me!! I know that this is scary and he probably looks really bad. . but you need to trust me on this one. He is going to be okay!!”

That was a relief. . . but how? You were still broken down into an ugly pulp!!

Amanda shivered a bit. Unconsciously, she started to hold you a bit tighter, the her fingers mushing your body up more.

“Urrgggh!!!” Your body was finally able to produce a bit of sound as you lie motionless in her palm.

“Oh god!!” Amanda whelped, “Mom!! So. . so what do I do now!?! H-how do I . . H-how do I get him back to normal again!?!?”

Quietness filled the air as the two of you sat patiently waiting for an answer. Tears running down her face, Amanda looked totally petrified.

“Just bring Jake home, I’ll restore him to normal!! But come quickly, as soon as you can, okay!!” Carolyn spouted to her daughter in a domineering tone. Amanda shook her head up and down, although Carolyn would not be able to see that. Hanging up the phone, Amanda struggled to find exactly a safe place for you.

“I. . I guess.. I guess. . I will just hold you the entire time!!” Amanda said, tears and whimpers still coming from her lips.

“Hey!!” A voice from outside the room spouted, breaking Amanda’s train of thought. It was some woman nearby. She must have heard Amanda’s shrieking. You both were in a changing room, afterall.

“Hey, Lady!!” The female voice said, “Are you okay in there?!?”

Amanda froze, she couldn't let this person see you!! Closing her hand carefully, she removed all light from you, so that you wouldn’t be seen.

“Y-yeah. . I-I’m fine!! D-don’t . .worry about it!!” Amanda said as cheerfully as she could muster.

“Don’t lie!!” The voice accused, “I know that you have a tiny in there!! If you killed him or done something you were not supposed too. . you are going to be in a lot of trouble!!”

At this point, Amanda started to hyperventilate. Not only had she seriously crushed her brother, but now she was at risk of being caught!! Thinking fast, she started to speed text her mom.
“Ma sum1 heard me talk about jake. Come quickly! Fitness place!” With the words spelled out, she quickly hit send.

Taking a deep breath, she opened the stall door. You looked through Amanda’s fingers to see the person who was bothering Amanda. Standing before Amanda was a tall African American woman with long black hair, pulled back into a ponytail. She was almost as tall as your mom, but she did look a little more muscular than her. . although her breasts were shockingly bigger than your mother’s breasts!! You didn't think it was possible to get them any bigger!! Neither of you could see her butt, but with a body like that, it had to be big.

“Where is the little guy?!?” The woman said, her hands on her hips.
“What little person?” Said Amanda, shrugging her shoulders, “I’m Amanda by the way!!”

She reached out her left hand towards the African American woman, since Jake was in her right. The woman looked at Amanda, looked at her left hand, then at Amanda’s right.

“Mmm hmmm!!” The woman grumbled, “My name is Channon!! Like Shannon, but with a C.”

“Oh, hi!!” Amanda said, her eyes and cheeks still a bit red, “Good to meet you, Channon!!”
May 12, 2023
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