Woke up your sister
A Tiny Child Chapter 11
· original author:
"Hey Amanda!" you shouted.

"Amanda wake up!"

Amanda finally hears you and wakes up.

"Jack?" she shocked when she sees.

"Jack! Jake! I missed you so much! You are okey right?!"

"Yes Amanda please stay calm"

"Im sorry i really missed you how cant i!" she cried.

"Hey its just one night Amanda" you smiled.

"One night?" she said with a low tone. "Uhh im sorry i forget you are sleeping while everything happens.

"What happened Amanda dont scare me!"

"Okey dont me me stressed!"

"Okey okey sorry stay calm" you smiled.

"You are sleeping for four days"

You shocked and said "What four days?"


"Wow... Wow wait umm... Where is mom?"

"On a job trip for 2 week"

You see she is in a very very bad mood.

"Are you okey right Amanda?"

"Y-yes im"

"What happened?"

"I think you will not wake up im so stressed"

"But you are okey eh?" she smiled.

You smiled and said "Im hungry can we eat something?"


You couldnt belive she is want to help you like that.
She always threat you so relaxed. And says mom she is so stressed while she looking at me. But now she like her.
May 12, 2023