Still With Amanda
A Tiny Child Chapter 4
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Another few hours had passed, and you finally woke up. You felt odd though, like some force was keeping you from moving. You tried your hardest to move, but it was futile. Everything was dark, and you heard a low beating noise close to you. Every several seconds, you were lifted up and then brought back down again. Another noise came to your attention, and it sounded almost like...breathing. That was when you remembered where you were. You were crushed paper-thin and still trapped inside your giantess sister Amanda's cleavage.

You wondered how long you had been stuck there. You thought for sure that she would have taken you out by now, but a sneaking suspicion crept into your mind. Amanda must have forgotten that you were stuck! She must have gone about her day, completely unaware of your predicament. Now scared, you tried to scream, but couldn't do that either.

In fact, Amanda had forgotten about you being in her cleavage. She hadn't at first, but after several hours, she assumed you had climbed out. She didn't hear from you, and didn't know you were to crushed to move or talk. So after the five hours you had been between her breasts, she just simply forgot about you.

You were completly helpless. You could do nothing, and you were at the mercy of your titanic sister, who didn't even know of your presence. Another thirty minutes passed, and she finally spoke.

"God!" She sighed. "I need to get out of this house. I've been sitting here for the last six hours. I should go the gym!" Your eyes went wide. The gym! No! However, you couldn't offer any protest as Amanda got off of the couch and picked up her gym stuff in her room. She walked out to her car, started it up, and began driving to the gym.

The drive to the gym only took about twenty minutes, but it was one of the worst twenty minutes of your life. Amanda's bra was super tigthened thanks to your work, so that was good. You didn't know if you would be able to survive the constant pounding and jiggling of her boobs if they weren't contained. However, that didn't mean they weren't affected by every single pothole in the road, and Amanda seemed to be hitting every single one. The first time she hit one, it wasn't so bad. Her breasts jumped a little, jostling you. But the second was was far worse. Her breasts leaped into the sky, and you found yourself slipping underneath her left breast. When her boobs landed again, you were crushed by the full weight of your sister's breast falling ontop of you. This continued for the entire car ride, a whole other twenty potholes of pain and torture.

Finally, Amanda made it to the gym. She climbed out of her car, and walked into the gym. She was well known here, so she just walked right to the changing rooms. She opened up her assigned locker, set her bag down, and began to get undressed. She took off her shirt and then unclipped her bra. But when she unclipped her bra, where were you?
May 12, 2023
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