She maked the meal and starts to eat with you
A Tiny Child Chapter 13
· original author:
"Anyway where is mom?"

"Paris" "She is so lucky"

"Is she?" you said.

"Yes im always want to go Paris" she smiled.

She taked you from cabinet and place you on a toy chair. On kitchen table.
You two started to eat.

"Wow... Thats Delicious"

"Its that?" she smiled.

"Yes! You maked this so much better than mom!"

"Really?" she said with a smile.

"Yes! Its so good. Maybe you are born as a chief?"

"Hmm... I can think that" she laughed.

This two ended their meal. And Amanda says:

"Hey what do you want now?"

"I dunno"

"I need a shower. You wanna come?"
May 12, 2023