The Terrible Truth
A Tiny Child Chapter 13
· original author:
After a bit of self-talk, your mother finally sat back down, her hands clasped together and right in front of you. They blocked out part of the view of your mom and you could only see a little of her breasts and face with them there.

“Listen, honey. . mommy needs to talk to you about some things. I can see that my little boy got himself in a bit of trouble, now didn't he?”

Your mother said, trying to be a sweet as possible. You detected a tone of discomfort and worry filled in her voice though. What was wrong?

“See, here is the thing, hon. Mommy cannot take you to the hospital. I would like too. . but I can’t. You see. . if I take you to the hospital. . they are going to report me to the government for being a bad parent. That’s tiny abuse. And tiny abuse. . well. . the penalty for that is many many years in prison.”

You swallowed tensely. She was right. If the hospital saw how badly you had been beaten, they’d report your mother for sure. That would mean that she would be put into prison and you’d be taken away from your family. You would need to seek care elsewhere to get better.

“And. . well. . I don’t know where else to take someone like you. Unfortunately. . if something is not done. . well. . see. . you are going to die like this. You are just. . “

Your mother started to sob softly as she contemplated on how best to take care of you, given the serious situation that you were in.

“I. . I just . . I just don’t know. . “

Your mother picked her hands up, wiping away the tears as she rubbed her forehead, frustrated about everything that had happened to you.

“The thing is. . I . . I think that. . I think that. . I need to. . to . . end things. . put you. . at peace.”

Your eyes grew wide!! She couldn't be serious!! There was. . there was underground places where a tiny could get fixed up. . there had to be another way!! You started to try and crawl but your legs were just in too much pain.

“I. . I am. . I am so so. . sorry, sweety!! You knew though. . that. . that being a tiny. . meant that. . that you might. . might not. . live for very long!!”

Your mother was fighting against the tears as she discussed you like you had already died.

This couldn't be the way. Not after everything you had been through. Not after being stuck in her breasts, your sister betraying you, and her constant crushing you with her ass!! It just. . it just couldn't happen!!

“M-mom!” You yell up at your mother weakly. “I. . I don’t want to. . “

As your mother heard you, she burst into tears.

“I know, love!! I know!! I. . I know.”
May 12, 2023