Quality alone time with mom
A Tiny Child Chapter 11
· original author:
You felt the car stop and your mother’s weight reshuffle, applying extra weight on the source of her uncomfort beneath her ass. You winced, hardly able to do anything else. You were too weak to push against the ass. You were just too fatigued at this point. You heard the car stop, as the door opened up and your mother got up and out of the chair. You went with her, as your little body had been practically embedded into your mother’s ass at this point.

Your mother’s ass shook back and forth, your own body just hanging on to the ride. You knew that she would be sitting down again soon. . you needed to do something. You just were not sure what at this point. You heard the shuffling of letters as your mom grabbed some mail from the mailbox and opened the door to go inside of the house. Soon, she had placed the letters onto the kitchen table as she pulled her chair back. . getting ready to sit down again. . and on you!!


Using the last bits of energy you had, you pushed against the ass, popping yourself free as you free fell. . .


You landed on the tip of your mother’s chair, the brunt of the fall hitting your legs. You screamed, realizing they had been totally broken. Not again. . you looked at your arms and body. You had never been this badly bruised before. One of your ribs might have also been broken, but you were not sure at this point.


Your mother plopped down hard onto the hard wooden chair, her large shaven pussy lying right in front of you. It was good that you had landed on the front of the chair and not the back. . or your might have been totally crushed under her ass. You heard your mom continued to shuffle through the letter.

“Hmm. . bills, bills, bills. . ooh! Look at this!!”

You heard the ruffling of a magazine as your mom started to peruse something up above.

“Oh look. . a free sample of candy!! I always love when they send stuff like this!!”

You heard a wrapper unravel as your mom prepared to gobble up the sample.



Looking beside you, you saw the piece of candy fall between her legs and land right beside you. Reaching for it, you grabbed onto it with both hands as your mom’s fingers grasped it and brought it up towards her large face.

“I need to be more careful. I can be so clumsy sometimes.”

As your mother lifted the candy up to her face, you suddenly had a harsh thought. What if she didn’t see you on this candy? Then everything you had been through. . all the hardship will have been for nothing. You looked up at your mother’s eyes as her face came into view.
The candy came closer and closer to your mother’s waiting maw, her massive cave like mouth preparing to swallow you like a tiny piece of nothing. You weakly raised one hand up, hoping that maybe. . just maybe she would notice you.
May 12, 2023