Horrible Realization!
A Tiny Child Chapter 12
· original author:
“Aaah!” your mother shouted as she dropped the piece of candy in her hand when she noticed something foreign on it.

You and it flew through the air and landed on the kitchen table, candy side down luckily. The jolt knocked you off the candy as you flew backwards, your legs in intense pain as you screamed and cried in agony.

“Oh my. . wait. . is that. . “

Your huge mother bent down carefully, looking at her treat. She wasn’t totally sure what she had seen. It couldn’t be what she thought it was. Her eyes got wide when she realized that it was indeed your tiny body.

“Oh my god!! Jake! What the hell. . oh excuse me. .what happened to you!! You look terrible!!”

Her finger bent down and cradled you gently as she looked at you with fear. As she touched you, part of her finger touched your leg, causing you to wince greatly from the pain of your leg.

“Oh. . did you. . how did. . did I do this to you?!”

She looked down beneath her legs. . that is where you were then. . the lightbulb went on as Carolyn realized that it was her body that had caused her son to be in the level of pain that he was in.

“Oh no. . oh no, oh no!! This is terrible!!”

Carolyn got up and rushed out of the room. You were not sure what she was doing or why she had left, but you just laid there on the table, content and at peace for a change. You coughed a bit, feeling very tired. A nap would be good about now, to be honest.

Your mother reappeared into the room, this time holding a small (though big for you) wash cloth. She pushed it against your skin, drenching you in water and also giving you an opportunity to drink a little bit.

“Go ahead, sweety, drink up!”

You drink some of the water, your head feeling a bit better but your legs still hurt very badly.

You watch as your mother gets up, pacing back and forth as she talks to herself, complaining and berating herself as a parent and a mother. You were very unsure of why she was doing this instead of taking you to the hospital where you needed to go. You were okay now, but if someone didn't set the bone on this broken leg it wasn't going to heal. Your mother was still acting so strange.

Why wasn't she helping you know that you had been found?
May 12, 2023