Getting ready for shopping.
A Tiny Child Chapter 5
· original author:
Sitting in your mother's cleavage, you feel trapped. You are uncomfortable, your body still mashed between your mother's large breasts. What was worse was that now your mother and sister where having a long girly conversation. So not only are you trapped, struggling to stay alive. . but your being droned on and on about silly idle gossip, too!

“So Brad says that he thinks that my butt looks too big whenever I wear my skinny jeans. Here is the thing though. . I think that it looks too small.”

Amanda said casually as the two women conversed over breakfast.

“Oh honey. . you have a perfectly fine tush. The problem is you are comparing it to. . . others.”

Your giant mother said, pausing a moment when she realized whose ass she was referring too.

“Mom, I don’t think I could ever have a butt like yours. You have more of an hourglass look to you, although a bit curvier.”

Your mother started to laugh, her large breasts heaving up and down, threatening to drown you in her cleavage as you were thrust a bit more below her bathrobe. As you struggled between the breasts, you personally didn't know what you sister was talking about. While her breasts and ass were not nearly the size of your mother’s. . there was definitely cushion there too. And a lot of it. . as you had been in between her breasts and ass as well.

“Amanda. . a bit more?”

Even though you could not see it, you could feel the tension in the room. . your sister cringing a little probably. Your sister probably felt awkward about her comment.

“Mom. . . I didn't mean it like. . “

Your mom crosses her arms, pushing her large breasts together as you struggle for breath. Her breast pushes upward, pushing you away from her nipple but closer now to her cleavage area. If you fell in between there, you might get crushed!! You claw and crawl the best you can as the breasts threaten to devour you whole!

“Mom, I know you aren't really mad. . right? I mean. . you know that Brad is always staring at you. You should wear a bit more modestly when you are around him. It’s tough competing with you.”

The breasts ease up as your mother moves her arms away, giving you more space. You crawl up on the top of her left breast,

“Heh heh, your right, sweety! I know that I’m . . well, more woman then most. But I like the way I look. That is what is important. Now, we better get that list and I need to do a few things before we go to the store, today.”

"What about Jake?"

"He will be fine in his room, we have to get these things done."

At this point you had basically stabilized yourself upward as you tried to find some surface area. Your goal was to climb up the sleeve of your mother’s robe by her neck and try to get out of this mess before your mom even noticed that you were there. You never understood why it was you who got in trouble whenever your family accidentally got you stuck on their bodies (or on purpose. . )

Positioning yourself towards the top part of the robe, you latched on tightly, preparing to climb up and finally away from your mother’s. .


Suddenly and unexpectedly, your mother stood up her clothes and breasts flopping against the struggling container of cloth. You tried your best to hold on, but the movement was too fast and unexpected and you let go. . falling back towards your breast prison. . except now straight down and towards her cleavage.
May 12, 2023
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