Battered by Breasts!
A Tiny Child Chapter 6
· original author:
With your mother standing, her breasts were a bit farther apart, giving a lot less room for you to grab onto. You did eventually stop as you felt at about halfway down between her large breasts. Suddenly, the breasts started to get tighter as your mother tightened her loosened robe. You were about to get crushed!! You knew that you would be in trouble but you had to let your family know what was about to happen!

“M-m-mom!! I’m down. . . mphhh. . “

You gargled as pound after pound of breast flesh slammed into you, choking your ability to breathe. You writhed and fought hard, the squishy flesh not crushing you completely but definitely smothering you. You felt yourself getting weaker and weaker. . as you passed out.

. . . .

. . . . .

. . . . . . . . .

You awakened, stunned and surprised. You felt very weak and tired. How long had you been out? Looking around, you could tell that your mother was still wearing her bathrobe, your body now plastered underneath her enormous breast. You must have slipped further when you were unconscious. . which was good. If that hadn't happened. . you would have just died from not having any air. You shuddered, feeling uneasy about almost dying. You were also a bit hungry given that you still hadn't gotten a chance to eat anything.

“Amanda?! Are you ready yet?! It is almost 11:30!” You hear your Carolyn say as you.

11:30?. You've been trapped in between your mom's breasts for hours!

"I’m ready, mom. I'm going to the store now."

Amanda yelled, her voice reverberating throughout the room.

You push up on your breast prison, your eyes and body exhausted as the mountains of flesh had tossed you back and forth for who knows how long. Your mother's robe barely holding the weight of her breasts from spilling out and shuttling you down onto the hard floor below. Not only that, but if you got unstuck from where you were. . you’d just fall down to your doom anyway. You would have to try and grab onto another part of the robe or risk death. You cringed, trying to wipe away the image of you splatting onto the floor.

"Honey, wait a second!!"

You heard your monolithic sized mother say to your sister.

"What is it, mom?" Amanda said?
May 12, 2023
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