This sucked! Izumi frowned as she sat down on the bed, hunching over and putting her head in her hands.

No, she chose not to comment on the fact that her breasts were so gigantic they squished against her knees when she slumped like that. And to his credit, Shujin who was sitting across from her didn't comment on it either.

Oh man, what a day... How had things gone so wrong? Izumi had called out Shujin back in class to make sure that he wasn't cheating off of her- she took pride in her grades and the thought of someone cheating to get ahead, much less off of her really ticked her off!

She hadn't wanted to believe that Shujin was cheating off of her; she just wanted to make sure! She'd only just met him the day before, and he seemed like a pretty nice guy. Or at least he seemed better than all of the other jackass boys at their school.

How had she messed up so badly with him?

'Let's see... accuse him of cheating on my homework despite the fact that he's a new student who only just started coming to school, check. Shove my boobs in his face, check. Accidentally knock him out and get sent to the nurse's office... check.' Izumi grimaced at that last one. So much for making friends with one of the only decent guys around. Izumi had learned from experience that most of the guys at school saw her as nothing more than a floating set of absurdly gigantic breasts, and plenty of them wanted to hang out with her... in order to get close to her colossal chest.

But giant boobs or not, Shujin might not want to give her the time of day. Most guys didn't tend to like girls who accidentally knocked them out. Even if it was using the world's most unorthodox weapons.

Damn it... she wouldn't deny it, she'd enjoyed teasing him earlier! But all because she'd somehow screwed up her measurements and been cramming her ultra-deluxe-sized girls into a shirt and bra too small she'd gone and ruined everything! The whole class had seen her shirt bursting open like some scene from a corny, low-budget romcom anime, and instead of just teasing Shujin he'd first been smothered by her... and then knocked out!

So much for making a new friend...


'Wow... Izumi looks really down. I... I actually feel bad for her right now.' You thought to yourself. There was a hell of a difference in interacting with a 2.5d character on a screen and a thinking, breathing, flesh-and-blood person. Izumi wasn't going to start crying or anything- she was way tougher than that. But you could clearly tell that she was feeling depressed and unhappy from this turn of events.


"Huh? Shujin?" Izumi looked up, blinking in surprise. You did your best to keep your eyes firmly fixated on hers, not on the giant, jiggling mountains of shirt-stretching meat that had been squishing against her legs.

She was damn lucky that Aki kept a small stockpile of incredibly-large shirts on hand. Why, you didn't know, but it benefited Izumi immensely. She was wearing a shirt that actually covered her colossal breasts without issue- no, more than that- the shirt didn't even show any sign of strain. How in the world those buttons didn't look stressed from all of the wait and pressure behind them meant it was a truly enormous garment...

But enough of that, those thoughts weren't important right now.

"Are you feeling okay? You look pretty down." You remarked.

"D-down? I look down? What... why aren't you mad at me? I got you sent to the infirmary, and it's only your second day here! Shouldn't you be pissed off at me?" Izumi didn't shout her words, but her voice did rise in tone towards the end. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw the gorgeous nurse slip outside the infirmary, ducking into her private office and shutting the door.

No doubt to give you and Izumi some privacy. Thanks, Aki-sensei!

"Why would I be mad at you? You weren't trying to knock me out, were you?"

"No, of course not! Why would I?" Izumi blurted out, now looking a mixture of upset and confused, rather than just upset. Good, you were making progress.

"Then I don't see what the problem is. I don't have a reason to be upset with you if you didn't mean to hurt me. I'd kind of be a big jerk if got mad at you for something that happened on accident." Well, except this was less of an accident and more of the consequences of your own actions hitting you in the face.

Literally, with a pair of basketball-sized breasts slamming into your face earlier. They were wonderfully soft, squishing around your face like a pair of giant, fluffed-up pillows... but the momentum behind them had meant that all of that weight falling on you at once pretty much flattened you as Izumi fell full-body on top of you.

Again, your fault, not Izumi's.

"I-I... well... good! I'm glad! Hmph!" And there was the classic Tsundere that you'd loved from the game! Izumi's wasn't looking too upset anymore, and there was even a faint dusting of pink on her cheeks!

However, moments later Izumi's frown returned.

"Still... Oh God, that was so embarrassing... Everyone in the classroom saw my top popping open! And I can already guess about all the jokes that are going to be spreading behind my back now..."

"Jokes?" You weren't sure where she was going with this.

"Yeah, jokes." Izumi huffed, rolling her eyes.

"Ugh, I can already hear those stupid boys now... 'watch out around Aoyama! Piss her off and you'll never get out of those mountains of hers! Don't try to cop a feel from Izumi, she might use those giant funbags of hers to kill you!' Jerks, all of them..." Izumi grumbled, changing the tone an pitch of her voice to crudely mimic what some of your male classmates must've sounded like.

"Well, to be fair they did see you knock out a guy with your boobs. Which if I'm being honest-" You stopped yourself hopefully before you could dig your own grave.

"If you're being honest... what?" Crap, you hadn't been in time. Izumi was still seated, but now looking at you with narrowed eyes and a... not quite 'hostile' look on her face, but definitely inquisitive.

"Uh... I didn't say anything."

"I'm pretty sure you did." Izumi stated flatly, crossing her arms underneath her massive chest. Huh. Her breasts were so big that she couldn't actually cross her arms around them. Now that you thought about it, the sheer amount of mass their meant that even hugging someone from the front would've made it difficult for Izumi to put her arms around them all the way.

Wait, you were getting distracted. Curse you, Izumi('s giant boobs!)

Welp. Better bite the bullet and get this over with. Hopefully your confession doesn't tank the progress you were making with Izumi.

"Okay, if I'm being fully honest with you... I think what happened earlier was really hot!" You blurted out.

Whatever Izumi had been expecting to hear, it hadn't been that. Her eyes widened, but rather than an enraged snarl or slap to your face, she stood up and...

Laughed?" Yeah, laughed. You were treated to the glorious sight of Izumi rolling her shoulders back, one hand on her stomach and the other on her face as she laughed, a bright, clear, and happy sound coming from the beautiful girl.

"Oh, I don't know what I thought you were going to say, but... hee hee! Oh, I can't believe I thought you were going to be mad at me!" Izumi giggled, advancing towards you.


You were left with a sense of déjà vu as once again, an enormous shadow loomed over you. Izumi towered over your seated form- in fact, your face was once again eye-level with the vast, billowing expanse of her bosom!

Izumi leaned down over you, the twin round shadows over you deepening even more.

"So. You liked getting your breath stolen away by my giant breasts, did you?"



"I don't think I heard you. Did you enjoy being smothered by my humongous boobs? Did you like feeling them squish against you? Did you like seeing my shirt pop open and my bra strain?"

"YES! I DID!" You couldn't stop yourself from blurting out the answer loud and clear for Izumi to hear. It was very fortunate that it was just the two of you alone in the nurse's office right now.

Izumi sucked in a breath, and your eyes widened as those colossal mountains swelled slightly bigger. Not enough to strain her super-sized shirt, but enough that you could see a slight increase in her busty bulk.

Come on, you couldn't help yourself! If Izumi was going to taunt you like that, you couldn't help yourself!


Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, you and Izumi didn't experience a repeat of the wardrobe malfunction debacle she'd suffered earlier. Her breasts puffed up once again, this time somewhat disguised by the deep breath she'd taken to taunt you...

Izumi's breath left her with a sudden wheeze, and she staggered back slightly. Oh crap, had you messed something up?!


Izumi's shirt looked just fine still, looking a bit tighter around her chest but the buttons were still holding just fine...

Wait. Izumi's shirt fit her, but not her bra. How had you missed that? She was currently a full ten centimeters bigger than she'd been this morning, meaning... her bra was now probably a good 2 or 3 cup sizes two small.

Whoops. No wonder Izumi was suddenly looking a bit out of breath. Her bra must've felt pretty damn constricting right now.



Only a few seconds had passed, and Izumi suddenly sucked in a deep lungful of live-giving air, filling her lungs that were no longer painfully constricted, thanks to you enlarging her bra beneath her shirt. Phew, that was a close one. If Izumi's bra had snapped you weren't sure if you would've gotten away with expanding her breasts again, and if she caught you red-handed...

Well, you might've been on her good side (seemingly) right now, but Izumi had always had an explosive temper, and you really didn't want to see what happened when she was pissed off.

Level: 7
Mind: 2/5
Esper Level: F

March 23