Under Where?
· original author:
You come to a sudden stop, your head still spinning from your fall. The pale skin beneath you told you that you were still on Hanako's person, though her blouse prevented you from seeing your former perch. You tried to move your legs but found them to be restricted by something. A black band of fabric was showing through the white clothing above you and it seemed to be pinning your lower body into the soft flesh. Thinking for a moment, you came to a horrifying realization. You had fallen all the way down to Hanako's waist and were stuck halfway under her stockings. You began trying to wiggle out, but it was hard to exert any measurable force at your new diminutive size. It was hard to tell how small you were now, but your most generous estimate was still smaller than you were yesterday.

Your struggle didn't go completely unnoticed though. Hanako felt a slight itch under her skirt and adjusted it slightly to relieve it. She had no idea that you had fallen from her bosom and that she had just knocked you all the way into her underpants.

The rustling of garments caused you to fall forward into a much darker area. Your rolling was slowed by what felt like a wiry, rope net. As much as you didn't want to believe it, you had ended up in Hanako's pubic hair. Your hormones were swirling even more than before but you were still fully aware of the danger you were in. If you couldn't get out of Hanako's unmentionables, you might end up getting flushed or sat on. You tried pulling at the base of a hair to get her attention so she could get you out. Unfortunatly, Hanako just jiggled her butt a bit to shake loose the irritant without a second thought. It worked as far as she was concerned as you quickly slipped off the smooth hair. With your eyes finally adjusting to the darkness, you found that you had landed within a stone's throw of the top of her vagina. Hell, even if Hanako did find you now, there was no telling what kind of reaction she would have. If she freaked out just from you seeing her face, you couldn't imagine how she'd take you seeing her privates. The scent of her sex and heat billowing from it was almost enough to make you lose your young mind. You had to act fast before the pheromones robbed you of what reason you had left.
February 17