Belly Button Blues
· original author:
You continued to tumble down Hanako's belly, her soft skin luckily functioning as a cushion. Still, you were disoriented as you bounded down from literal heaven, and the trip was remarkably unstable nonetheless. You had your front facing upwards, so you couldn't see where you were going to fall to.

You had to get your bearings, and luckily you would get an opportunity as the belly hill suddenly became air, and your heart nearly leapt out of your chest as you freefell. Luckily for you, the drop was only around twenty feet by your standards, and the soft cushiony skin let you know that you were clearly still on your friend's body.

You stood up, noticing the depression you had fallen straight into.

"Hanako's bellybutton?" you asked yourself. It was like a cave, yet with perfectly round edges. It was the only place you could think of that would stop your fall, at least before Hanako's.... ahem.

Still, you had had another shrinking fit. 2 inches was around the norm for what you experienced, but consecutive ones weren't impossible. Taking shock of the situation, you judged the height of the bellybutton's walls after climbing out of the crease you were in, as well as the width.

You paled, cold fear overtaking you. Your breathing turned heavy as you nearly had a panic attack. Hanako's bellybutton was probably twenty-by twenty-five feet at your standards. Hell, you could fit into it easily.

With those calculations, you were around one-eighth of an inch tall. Among the smallest you've ever been. You moved to the back, fear gripping you.

You could see your giant friend's face just barely out of the bellybutton and through the fabric. If she was big before, she was a colossus now. Almost too big to describe.

"C-Calm down. It's just Hanako!" you told yourself.

"Run" your mind screams, your instincts desperate to take over. Normal people were massive before, but still manageable. At this scale, Hanako was practically a giant monster to you.

You managed to quell your fear-addled mind to avoid panicking, but contemplated your next move. From the look on her face, Hanako still thought you were nestled safely in her cleavage. If she found out... nowhere on her would be safe.

But, you knew from experience that she couldn't hear you at this size. You were so tiny, you had to get to a better vantage point. You thought of many different plans, but one seemed to stick. You needed to climb back up and get to her ear, fast. But... Hanako wouldn't react well to a little man in her head, and you had no doubt you would have to go inside the ear canal to contact her.

What to do?
February 17