Put him on the floor?
· original author:
"C-could... you put him on the floor for now?"

"What? Why?" You and Lilly nearly say together. You dread the thought of ending up on the carpet, once again at the mercy of these beautiful girls' feet.

Hanako positions her pillow properly and sits on it. "Just to k-keep him out of h-harm... we're still having tea, right?

"Ah. Very well." Lilly nods and turns her head down towards you. "Looks like you'll be staying a while longer. If you need anything, just let us know, all right?"

"Sure!" You say a little more aloud than you might have wanted. As far as being forced into situations goes, this is one of the better ones for you. Getting to have the company of Lilly and her awfully cute friend Hanako as they sip tea together. You kind of want some tea of your own, but Hanako may have made a good safe call here; best you don't find yourself in the middle of clashing teacups and saucers, or worse...

Lilly places you on the floor and seats herself opposite from Hanako. From this view they seem a lot less massive while sitting down, though still bigger than a lot of mountains you've seen.

As the minutes tick on, Hanako and Lilly continue to gossip among each other as if you weren't there. And you may as well not be, what with being completely out of sight. You could always kill the boredom by wandering around a bit. Otherwise, you could just keep on waiting here with your own thoughts, you may even be invited up for tea or something else.
February 17