· original author:
You have to admit, the longer time passes within her shoe, the more almost silly it seemed that you were worried about it. You never imagined that you'd be riding around in a girl's shoe, much less comfortably, but there you were, and the weirdest part was perhaps how weird it didn't seem.

That said, the longer the day went on, the more comfortable Lilly also became with the situation. By the end of the day she'd occasionally poke your chest with one of her toes, or ruffle your hair with her big toe, uncharacteristically playful of her.

But indeed, time passed surprisingly quickly, and before long her dainty foot lifted out of her shoe, followed by her lifting her shoe up and gently tilting it so you could step out on a table in front of her.

Only, you kind of expected her to take you back to your room, so you could get your medication and return to normal... but this wasn't your room. It was as barren as yours was given you didn't have much time to decorate since you arrived, but the walls were painted a pale orange instead of the tan of yours, and the furniture though assuredly the same design as the one from your room were arranged differently.

Sensing your confusion, Lilly explained. "I had to bring you back to my room, as it's not allowed for the ladies to just wander around the boy's dorms after classes."

"Oh... Well, I guess that's alright, for now."

A slightly awkward silence ensued, before Lilly decided to break it. "I'm glad you seemed to not mind the ride. It wasn't too bad, I hope."

"Oh, no! It was perfectly fine. I'll have to learn to trust your judgment better than mine in the future." It was half jokingly that you said that, but Lilly's calm decisiveness was a bit impressive.

Your earnest response stimulated a giggle from her. "My my. Already planning for our future, are you?"

You blushed and stammered a few syllables, caught off guard with her comeback.

Her smile widened. "Just kidding, no need to get so flustered." That response which you think was meant to reassure you made you feel more self conscious, if anything. "Anyway, despite festival preparation taking up most of the day, it's still pretty early in the evening. Would you care to join me if I go to get some dinner? I'd rather not sit around in my room for next few hours, not that your company isn't entertaining."

"Uh, sure, no problem. Where'd you like to go? And how are you going to bring me there?" You tried your best to regain your composure, but the atmosphere alone that seemed to surround Lilly made you feel terribly self conscious. She was a pretty wonderful person.

"You won't have to go back in my shoe, don't worry. I won't need both my hands as much as I did in class so I can just carry you in my closed hand if you don't mind. I was planning on going to a small tea shop a short walk away from the school grounds, it's usually very empty so you'll be able to sit on the table without too much attention." Gently scooping you up in her palm, Lilly grabbed her walking cane and headed towards the door. "That sound good?"

"Well uh, yeah, sure. Would give us the time to talk we didn't get to have over tea, too."

"It's settled then. Same routine as before, just give my fingers a few taps if you're uncomfortable." Lilly gingerly closed her fingers around you, blocking out the world and wrapping you in what felt like the biggest hug you've ever received. You blushed lightly again, giving her fingers a single tap to let her know you're alright, and away she went.

Lilly kept her fingers closed the whole time, navigating doors and such by leaning her cane against the wall to open doors as well as to close them. She kept her hand level, clutched against her stomach, and the graceful bobbing of her body as she walked was rather calming.

As she said, the walk to the cafe was rather short indeed. Sitting cross legged on the mat on the floor, Lilly laid her hand palm up on the table before unwrapping her fingers, allowing you to walk off. Also true to her word, the building was very empty; one server that was slowly making her way towards your table was the only other person here. A quiet melody and the smell of tea filled the air. You had to say, this really was the perfect place for Lilly.

"Hello there, Yuuko." Lilly greeted the hostess with the familiarity of a friend, which the server reciprocated.

"Hello to you too, Lilly. Just by yourself today? No Hanako?" The auburn haired lady you now knew as Yuuko clearly hadn't noticed you on the table; who could blame her.

"No Hanako, she preferred to stay in her room and read today. I'm not alone, though. I brought a new student from Yamaku with me." Lilly gestured towards you with her hand.

As Yuuko's eyes settled upon you and seemed to reach some level of familiarity that you really were a person, you decided to try to take the initiative. "Hey there, my name's-"

"Eep!" The auburn haired lady jumped a bit, squeaking a response which cut you off. "S-sorry! Didn't mean to interrupt you! You just... surprised me." She slumped her shoulders and looked towards the floor, clearly feeling a bit awkward about the situation.

"Don't worry, it's not the worst response I've got. Like I was saying, I'm-" "So erm, what would you two like?" Yuuko interrupted you again, either not hearing you continue or trying to pull herself back into a mode of professionalism, or both. You decided that life would go on if she didn't know your name and gave up there.

"Well as you can see, my friend here won't be eating much," Lilly joked before continuing. "So we'll be splitting our meal. How does hojicha to drink and tonkatsu to eat sound?"

"I don't know much about tea, so I'll trust your taste here." You figured that was the least awkward way of continuing the conversation, and it was true anyway.

"Alright, hojicha and tonkatsu, I'll bring that out to you two in just a second." Yuuko clumsily scurried away on her heels, prompting a giggle from Lilly.

"So you told me that the hospital hadn't heard of any case of someone shrinking before you came along? Must be interesting to be so unique." Lilly seamlessly moved onto the small talk, catching you a bit off guard.

"Yeah. It took quite awhile before they managed to figure out what kind of medication to treat me with... My parents didn't want me missing out on classes, so they sent me to my old school before I got the proper treatment. Going through school at a few inches tall.. wasn't fun, exactly." You looked down, a bit embarrassed to be telling this to her, but you felt comfortable enough to continue. "People are already mean enough, being so short just makes it easier. I'm sure you can imagine."

Lilly's lips pointed downwards, a sympathetic pout for you. "That does sound awful. Even with the medication, you still seem to shrink sometimes, though?"

"Mhm." You sat down on the table, starting to feel a bit more comfortable. "Since I'm the first person with this... situation, the medicine isn't perfect yet. I'm glad you were close by this time."

Lilly gave you a bright smile, setting one index finger on your back. "I'll be more than glad to accompany you around."

"No, no, you don't need to trouble yourself with that!"

"Oh, shush. I'm the class representative. What kind of role model would I be if I didn't?" Lilly's finger gave you a gentle pat on the back before withdrawing again. "Besides, you seem rather nice. I'd like to get to know you more anyway."

You blushed, but were saved having to respond by Yuuko setting the sandwich and tea on the table, klutzily almost setting the plate directly on you. You realized her awkwardness was going to be a running theme, and politely dismissed her apologies as Lilly listened, amused.

The meal passed by quickly, Lilly lifting you up to the cup of tea to allow you to drink and breaking off small pieces of the sandwich for you while you continued to talk. You learned quite a bit about her, happy to listen and ask questions. She has lineage in Scotland, she was blind from birth, she has a close friend named Hanako, etc.

Once Lilly paid, she gingerly lifted you back up in her palm, only this time cupping you against the base of her neck instead of down at her stomach. It was subtle, but you got the idea, and blushed once more.
February 17
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