· original author:
Credit to Kataki for the opening paragraph!

It's your first day at Yamaku Academy. You were transferred there because of a unique illness that you've been plagued with from birth. Simply put, at periodic intervals you randomly begin shrinking! This dangerous and potentially life threatening ailment has been stalled for several years now, by regularly taking several types of medication, and in the end, the decision was made for you to be transferred to your new school, where your condition might be better accepted.

As you turned the corner to get to your first class you mistakenly bump into another student! She was much taller than you, and long blonde hair that was curled at the end.

The girl rubbed her head a bit in recoil, you hoped you didn't hurt her! "Oh my gosh, I am so so sooo sorry! Ya see it's my first day here and I was just really nervous and I was just turning a corner and--"

"It's alright, really. I should have heard you coming. You said it was your first day?" the girl says with a blank stare in her eyes and an ever so slight smile on her face.

"Uh, y-yeah, it is. Wait, you said you should have heard me?" you ask, confused.

"Hee hee, well yes, of course! What did you think--oh, of course you wouldn't have known, silly me. You see, everyone here has some sort of disability that prevents them from functioning regularly in a normal school. I for one, am blind, as you can probably see from my eyes," she informs you.

"Oh no! That makes me feel even worse! I really am sorry again" you apologize once more.

"Truly, it's alright, I can tell you didn't mean it. Hey, why don't you join me for tea during our lunch break so we can chat a bit more?" she asks. "It's a right on the second floor, can't miss it!"

"W-well okay, sounds good, I'll see you then!" you say.

"Yes, see you then..." the girl mumbles.

"Wait, I didn't mean it like--" you stutter.

"Truly, it's alright." the girl pardons herself and then walks away, leaving you to go to class.

"Shoot, I didn't even get her name!" you curse yourself. "Oh well, I guess that's what the tea chat is for. And hey, she was pretty cute, too."

You walk merrily into class and anticipate your coming lunch break.

Sometime during the middle of class you can feel your body get those all too familiar tingles.

"Oh no, not again! Not in here!" you think. You suddenly feel your body lose about an inch or two. You quickly look in your bag for your medicine, but can't find it! You must have forgotten it in your room with all the excitement of your first day!

You didn't want to interrupt class to go to your room save for being labelled a delinquent, so you wait it out until the end of class.

Class ends and the lunch bell rings in a matter of minutes and you quickly rush out of class to the boy's dorms, ignoring how much height you lost in that time.

Dang it! You forgot your promise to have tea with that pretty girl! She'll probably think you're a huge jerk if you don't show up on time!

"Okay, I'll just run in, tell her an emergency came up, run back to my room for the medicine, and then run back to enjoy the rest of lunch with her, easy!" you reason with yourself.

You quickly turn around and bolt up the stairs. But by the time you make it to what you assume to be the tea room, it was too late. You were only about a mere 2-3 inches in height. Students in the outside hallway towered over you like giants and giantesses.

You hear footsteps approaching behind you and see the tall blonde girl walk into the room, giving you a quick glimpse underneath her skirt.

She was tall before, but now she was like a skyscraper, no, bigger! You couldn't believe how absolutely miniscule you were compared to her towering figure! You had to get her attention, you needed her help.

The girl sits at a table near the windowsill and silently waits, probably for you. You run over to her and attempt to get her attention.

Shoot, wait, she's blind! Now what're you gonna do? Maybe she'll be able to hear you if you scream?

"Miss! Hey, miss! Excuse me! Down here! Hey!" you call up to her.

Does the girl hear your cries?
February 17
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