Hanako opens the door, hearing someone outside
· original author:

The door handle to Hanako's room nervously turned around, eliciting a gasp from you. Looking up you saw Lily give a slight frown, taking surprise as graceful as she took everything in life. With little time for thought she quickly tucked you into the back of her skirt, right as the door gently creaked open.

"H..hey! Is this safe?" You gasped, before Lilly gently poked your head under the elastic strap. You could of sworn you heard her mutter sorry. A blush fell over your face as you realized how intimate you were being with the class rep. You gave a nervous sigh and gave her one tap to let her know you were alright.

Hanako smiled shyly as she slowly opened the door, recognising the person on the other side as her friend Lilly. She stepped back to let Lilly in,
"...Hi" Hanako spoke softly. As comfortable as she was around Lilly she was still nervous to have her door open so wide. Without skipping a beat, Lilly gave a gentle smile, her face giving nothing away as she spoke,
"Hello Hanako, hope I'm not intruding" Her soft voice instantly put Hanako at ease,
"N.. not at all... do you want to.. come in?" Hanako smiled, happy to see her friend.

You gasped as your restraint shuffled, rubbing you slightly in an uncomfortable way. You didn't really mind too much and from the conversation so far you could tell Hanako was extreamly shy. Deciding to bite the bullet you tried to hold yourself in place until Lilly saw it fitting to take you out. You attempted to look down to see how far you would fall but the elastic held you firm. You could still move your legs a bit but other then that you were fairly helpless.

"A..ah, carefull. I moved the table y..yesterday" Hanako blushed out, watching her friend tap the table gently. "Would... you like some tea?" Hanako asked, recieving a nod and thank you from Lilly. When she turned her back, Lilly quickly reached back to ajust your position, unsure if you were properly secure.
February 17
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