Apologize for intruding
· original author:
After getting jabbed by Lilly like she did a moment ago, you got back up and looked down at the floor below while saying--

"Hanako, I'm sorry for intruding like i did. I didn't mean to upset you or anything. I just really needed help finding my medication so i could return to my normal height. I never meant to upset you. So if you don't want me here, I'll leave quietly and you won't have to be worried about me anymore."

"And just how do you plan on leaving by yourself?" Lilly asked.

"Simple. Just lower me to the floor and I'll walk back to my room."

"By yourself? I'm afraid i cannot let you do that. Not like you are now. What if someone mistook you for a bug and tried to squish you?" Those words hit you hard. Just the thought of being killed underfoot was enough to make you feel sick.

"Well you don't have to worry about me Lilly. I may be small, but i can still take care of myself. And if you won't lower me down, then I'll just have to climb down you." You said still upset as you made your way over to her shirt sleeve. But before you could even get a good enough footing, Lilly picked you back up and brought you up to her face, which turned from her normal expression to a more upset /angry one.

"Now listen to me young man. I forbid you from trying to do anything like that ever again while I'm the one taking care of you, do you understand?!" The tone Lilly was using, it wasn't just scaring you, but also Hanako as well. She herself took a few steps backwards while looking just as scared as you. It was then Lilly expression changed into one where she almost looked like she was ready to cry.

"And if Hanako doesn't want you, a tiny, young, and defenseless young man who can't even hurt a fly to be in the same room as her.....then i guess I'll have to leave with you. To make sure you stay safe." Then you saw some tears escape Lilly's eyes. It was then Hanako looked shocked. And then she herself looked like she was ready to cry. At that moment, Lilly turned for the door.

"Lilly! Wait!" Hanako shouted, stopping Lilly from taking another step.

"You.....the little doll man can...stay." At that moment, Lilly started smiling a sly grin. It was then you started putting two and two together. Lilly knew that if she guilt tripped Hanako enough, she would give in and let you stay with her. It was a cruel way of doing it, but you were sort of happy nonetheless.

"But...at the very least...could you please...
February 17