Lilly wanted you to meet Hanako and was taking ...
· original author:
After you and Lilly left the shop, the sun was already setting in the distance. Though the walk back to the girl's dorm was short, it was already dark by the time you got there. As Lilly neared the door to her room, she stopped. Then she opened her hands up and looked down at you.

"Huh? What's up Lilly?"

"I was just wondering, Hanako's been busy reading in her room all day, i wanted to check up on her before we turned in for the night. That is, if you don't mind me checking up on her before we turn in for the night." You understood what Lilly was thinking about. She was worried about her friend and wanted to make sure she was alright before doing anything else.

"Alright. I understand. Let's go check up on her." Lilly smiles down at you and walks past her door and down the hall until she reaches Hanako's door. Lilly was about to knock on the door, but then her expression quickly changed to one of worry.

"Lilly? Is something wrong?" Lilly quickly looked down at you and faintly smiled.

"No. It's just that...i need to let you know about Hanako's condition before we go inside."

"Her condition?" A part of you didn't like where this was going, but listened anyway.

"You see, Hanako was trapped in a fire in her own home when she was just a little girl. She survived, but only because her parents covered her up with their own body's to shield her from the flames. But that didn't stop the fire from getting to her anyway. The flames badly burnt the whole right side of her body, permanently scarring her for life. And if that wasn't enough, the accident also left her very shy and anti-social. And the only person she seems to trust ever since then, is me."

You were in utter shock. You didn't think anyone could ever go through such horror and live on afterward. This Hanako girl sounded like a very strong lady.

"That's...that's horrible." Lilly nodded with a sad look on her face.

"I know. But i also need to let you know that she doesn't like it very much when other people look at her face. Or talk to her for that matter. I'm the only one she really trusts. So, i think it's for the best that i hide you somewhere on me again until i finish checking on her. Is that alright with you?" As much as you didn't want to hide away from the rest of the world again, you knew you had very few options.

"Alright. But where will you hide me this time?" Lilly pondered that train of thought for a moment before deciding--
February 17
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