You are Spotted !
Three Wishes Chapter 26
You can see the shadow of someone behind you and feel their presence. You keep running and look back just as you run directly into a palm. It closes around you and you are carried back to the bench where this person sits down and discretely opens her hand to look at you. You see it is the person who was sitting on the bench before, a girl about your age with dirty straight blond hair and blue eyes. From her clothes she doesn't look like a typically customer in this mall and seems to be a bit down on her luck.

She smiles a half smile and says "I bet you are pretty rare if not one of a kind little man. You are the answer to all my problems and are going to make me very rich." She stands up and stuffs you in her pants pocket and walks out of the mall to the bus stop. When you finally get to our destination she takes you out and you see you are in a dingy little bedroom. You are laying in her palm and every time you try to move she knocks you back with her thumb. "Stay there" she tells you followed by "Are you one of a kind or are there more of your people somewhere?"

You look back at her and reply "I am one of a kind. A evil genie shrank me." She started back at me and said "Really, Where is this genie. I have some wishes." You take a deep breath and say "She's gone and I'm stuck like this." She says "Cool" and carries you over to a small kitchen table where she makes herself a bowl of cereal and hands you a Frosted Flake to munch on. "I bet I could get a million dollars for you. Maybe I should list you on Craigslist." You stop eating and look up at her and say "Except human trafficking is kind of illegal plus how many super rich people do you know that check Craigslist"

She smiles at you and says "You're pretty smart for a little twerp. You're going to help me get rich and you'll get to live someplace nice too, not in this dump." You look around and agree that it is a dump but then you say "How about you return me to my girl friend. She'll give you a reward. Her name is Debbie and she works at the mall." She looks annoyed and says "Shut up twerp. You're too little to have girlfriend and I'm not taking you back to the mall."

She starts looking at her phone trying to figure out how to sell you and you sarcastically say "You just need to find some billionaire that will pay for me" when she let's out a gasp. She is reading local news on her phone and says "Oh my god. Listen to this Valentina Kosacov just completed her divorce for her rich billionaire husband and she just bough a property not far from here. What are the odds? Looks like I'm going to get rich after all."

She is able to figure out the property through some minor detective work online and she dressed up the best she could to look reasonable classy to set out to try and convince this divorcee to pay big dollars for you. She stuffs me in a small purse and goes out to catch a bus across town. She gets to this downtown luxury apartment building and tries to go in to the penthouse where she heard Valentina bought but she is stopped by a guard at the from desk. She tells him that she is there to meet with Valentina and he calls up to the penthouse and tells her to wait a minute.

After a few minutes a man in a dark suit comes down to the lobby and asks what she is there for. She tells the man she has a one of a kind object that she think Valentina would like to possess and he asks what it is.

August 17, 2023