Joe Makes To The Mall
Three Wishes Chapter 25
You run in along the side as they enter and then you press yourself against the inside of the glass window next to the door hoping no one sees you. The girls keep walking and the mom and daughter are moving too. You let out a sight of relief. Now you need to make it to Victoria's Secret and hope Debbie is working. 

You edge along the wall and you are happy there aren't too many people in the mall. Then you see a mall clock and notice it is 11:45 AM. You realize in a few minutes the people that work in the office complex across the street will be streaming over here to get lunch or do a quick shopping trip. Once it gets busy, you won't be able to get across to the other side.

You work your way around until you get in sight of Victoria's Secret. The problem is that it is across the wide aisle with plenty of people walking. You know this is the only way you are going to get to Debbie and you don't even know if she's working. You move up until there is a large cement potted plant and a bench in the middle of the aisle and you decide to cross there. You wait until there is a break in the traffic and you run as hard as you can and make it across to the planter. You lean against it out of sight and catch your breath.

You walk over toward Victoria Secrets and you position your self by a leg of the bench directly across from the store. As you are standing there thinking of your next move, someone comes along and sits down. You are immediately worried that whoever it is will have a direct view of you running across the aisle and into the store. Then again maybe they are looking at their phone or just people watching, they wouldn't be looking at the floor. All you can see was a pair of worn jeans and flip-flops in front of you. 

The foot traffic has lighten up and you decide it's time to make a dash for the store entrance. You ready yourself and then make a break running full out. Your heart is racing when...
August 17, 2023