The Manager is Cleaning
Three Wishes Chapter 23
The manager comes toward you and you duck back into the bag which you quickly realize as the manager lifts the bag with you in it in the air. She looks at it and comments out loud, "This bag has been here all week.  Time to get rid of it."  and you feel you are in free fall inside the bag as she drops it in a large trash can.

She keeps walking and you can hear her say to a stock girl, "I need you to take that trash out to the dumpster." and you panic. How are you going to get out of the bag and the can in time. You frantically search for the hole in the paper bag to try and escape and you hear the sound of the stock girl singing a song that is in her head getting closer. 

She approaches the can and starts pulling out the trash bag from the can and shaking it free and your whole world shakes again like an earthquake. No sooner does the shaking stop, your world starts to spin as the stockgirl is spinning the bag to tie a knot in the top.

A moment later you feel the bag moving and you know this is your last chance and decide to reveal yourself by yelling as loud as you could. However, the girl also started singing louder as she walked outside and heaves the bag into the dumpster. You are truly screwed. Even if you manage to find the hole in the paper bag and climb back out, you are inside a plastic trash bag which was even thicker than the sandwich bag that you couldn't tear. Even if you could find a way out of all that, you'd still be in a dumpster behind the mall. 

You eventually find your way out of the bag and you reached the plastic barrier but you are unable to tear it. You search around and after a couple more hours you find a paperclip and with enough effort you are able to make a hole. You make another and then another hoping to eventually make a hole you can pass through.  You work at this for a few hours and you are thinking the mall may have already closed.  You wonder if you will ever see Debbie again. You finally have made a hole in the plastic bag big enough for you to pass through. You can see the huge expanse of the dumpster, at least compared to you. You see the plastic bag that you are on is on top of a mountain of other trash bags and above you a black plastic lid is closed although a gap around the edge is letting light in. 

Suddenly you hear the loudest noise you have ever heard and realize it is the trash truck. You hear the beeping as it backs up and you scramble up the bag trying to reach the top edge of the dumpster. There is a sudden jolt and then you felt the dumpster start to move. You rush to the edge hoping you can jump free of the dumpster and not kill yourself on the landing.   You think anything is better than going where this truck is going. 

You trying to jump and...
August 17, 2023