You Jump Successfully
Three Wishes Chapter 24
You make the jump and miraculously land in tall soft grass that is part of the landscaping next to the dumpster that no one had taken care of trimming. You realize it is early in the morning and the mall isn't open yet but your best chance is to get back inside and hope Debbie is working today or at least one of her co-workers will call her.

You start the long trek around the building to were the nearest doors are which is probably a few miles for you. You stay close to the building in case in run into anybody but you don't see anyone for a while. As you get closer you see cars coming into the parking lot and you figure it must already be open. You have to stop a lot as you haven't had any food or water recently and you're exhausted.  During your trip around the building you found dew on leaves that you could drink as well as some stale pieces of popcorn someone dropped the day before and eating them helps you regain some energy.

When you get close to the door, you realize your first obstacle, the doors are on a sensor and won't open for someone as small as you. Your only way in is to stand right in front of the door and when a person comes by and activates it you can slip in. That plan should work if the person is coming out of the mall as they won't see you but if they are coming from the parking lot, you'll be in plain site. You also know it's going to take you time to get back to the store so you don't want to wait around too long.

You watch in the side window which gives you a view inside the mall and you wait till someone approaches the door and you can run over to where it will open. You see a women with her kids approaching and you run to the door. Nothing happens and you look and one of the kids is fussing and the mom is talking to her. Apparently she isn't ready to leave yet. Then you hear talking and look toward the walkway approaching the door from the parking lot and there are three girls walking toward you.

You wonder if you should run for cover but they seem to be self absorbed talking amongst themselves and you decide to stay and take your chances. You glance back at the mom to see if she might activate the doors before the girls get there but she hasn't moved yet.

The girls are right on top of your position and .
August 17, 2023