Meet Valentina
Three Wishes Chapter 27

The body guard takes the two of you up to the penthouse to meet Valentina and you wonder how this is going to play out.  The girl who captured you introduces herself as Wendy and Valentina dismisses her body guard leaving them alone.  Valentina says "I usually don't meet people without a reference but I am feeling generous today so don't make me regret my decision.  You hear Valentina and she has a Russian accent but her English is very good.  "So what is this rare one of a kind item you have?"


Wendy takes you out of her purse and sets you on the table between them.  You get up and wave hello to Valentina who looks astonished.  "Is he real?" she asks Wendy.  You respond "Yes, I'm real.  I'm human just tiny."  Valentina laughs and says "Wow, he talks too.  You are right about him being unique?  How much do you want for him?"


You look at Valentina and she is probably in her late twenties.  She is very pretty with long straight brown shoulder length hair and the most brilliant green eyes you've ever seen.   You suddenly recall reading about her a few weeks back.  Her father is an ultra-rich businessman in Russia in the oil business.  She was a real party girl living in Europe and the U.S.  She married this guy that worked for her dad and after a year things went south and she filed for a divorce.  He contested it and when it went to court the guy disappeared and her divorce was granted giving her half his assets.  If you recall her dad is a pretty bad ass guy and the press thought he made the husband disappear but there was no proof. 


Wendy responds "I'm thinking a million dollars." and Valentina laughs at her and says "I'm thinking more like $10,000.  After all he could get sick and die tomorrow.  He's not like a diamond."   Wendy is not sure what to do and says "OK,  half a million."  Valentina says "Ill give you $25,000 cash right now and you walk out of here and forget we ever met.  Or I can have my man come back in here and throw you out and I'll keep this little guy for you inconveniencing me.   You realize Valentina is probably as cunning and dishonest as her dad."


Wendy is sitting there a bit shocked and realizing she is over her head and just says "OK, deal."  Valentina smiles and says "Great, I'll get your money and goes into another room."  You look up at Wendy and say "Listen to me.  This girl is dangerous.  Just take the money and get out of here before you get hurt.  I'll be OK."


Valentina comes back in carrying a designer Hermes Birkin tote bag and sets it down in front of Wendy.  "Go ahead and check it." she tells her, "I even will throw in the bag.  It's better than that crappy purse.  Now you will forget you ever met me or this little guy.  Understand?"  Wendy sees the bag is full of $50's and $100's and just says "Yes, of course."  


Valentina picks you up and stuffs you down between her ample breasts wedging you between them."  She stands up and says "Ivan, please come show this girl out.  Our business is concluded."    Ivan come is immediately and escorts Wendy out while Valentina takes you into a adjoining room.


She takes you out and sets you down on a make-up table.  Her hand comes down and plays with you as she asks "Do you know who I am?"  You just nod to the affirmative  and she continues "Good, then you know I am not to be trifled with.  Cross me and I'll tell  my dad you tried to rape me.  You don't want to know what would happen to you.  You will do whatever I want, Understand?"


She picks you up and holds you right in front of her face as she examines you and says  "I like to party and hang with my friends.  I like when guys treat me well.  I love playing with these guys, dancing, drinking, kissing but I don't let any of them get in my pants.  I'm better than they are and I won't let myself be someone's latest conquest."  She sexily licks her lip and you almost lose it as she continues "and that's where you come in my little friend.   You will take care of my needs, whatever they might be.  Understand?"  


She is magnificent looking her eyes and smile are hypnotizing.  "Yes, I understand." you tell her not wanting to piss her off.  She tells you "Good.  Now play your cards right and you can live a life of luxury.  Annoy me and you'll suffer.   Now let's see what your capable of."  She kicks off her shoes and you watch her use her free hand to pull off her panties under her skirt and toss it aside.  She takes you over to her bed and sits down propped up on pillows with her legs stretched out on the bed. 


She pushes up her skirt and sets you down in front of her massive pussy.  "Now show me that I got my money's worth or I'll find other ways to pleasure myself with you."  You move forward and reach out and stroke the outside of her pussy and she purrs "That's nice but I want to feel your tongue too."   You respond licking her and she lets out a moan.  Her fingers descend on you using them to spread her pussy open as she says "Deeper".  Her fingers push you in deeper but you continue to rub and kiss her as her skin folds in behind you sealing you inside her.  Her finger to push against her skin which pushes you deeper inside her.  You slide up to her clitoris and cover it with kisses and she moans loudly.  She is getting wet and you are getting her juices all over you.  "Yes, yes" she yells and you continue working in her hot wet pussy until she climaxes shaking you violently.


 A few minutes later she fishes you out and takes you to her bathroom where she carefully washes and dries you off.   "That was nice but you need to learn to do that and more without my help.  I'm going out and you...     



October 30, 2023