Break time with Amanda
Three Wishes Chapter 34

The days goes well as most customers don't ask or notice you which is just as well while a few ask Debbie what you are.  After a while I think Debbie even got tired of explaining and dropped her answer to just a few words.


At the same time Debbie's manager, Amanda, seems to take even more interest in you peppering Debbie with questions throughout the day.  Finally, Amanda comes up to Debbie with a thick envelope and says "I need you to run an errand for me while the store is quiet.  Can you take this paperwork up to the mall office?  Make sure they go through it all and give you a receipt for it."  Debbie takes the envelope and Amanda adds you may not wanting them seeing your little friend.  If you want, I can watch him for you while you are gone.  I need to do some work at my desk."


Debbie doesn't hesitate to hand you over to her manager plucking you from her between her breasts and and into Amanda's awaiting palm.  Amanda hand closes around you as Debbie leaves for the mall office. 


Amanda carries you into the back room and deposits you on her desk.  She is probably in her early thirties.  She wasn't gorgeous but she had a girl next door vibe but she was definitely not your type.   "So" She began as she looked down at you through her glasses "What exactly is going on here?  Are you like her boyfriend or is she treating you like you're her toy or is she treating you like a slave."  You hesitate to answer and she continues "Don't be afraid to tell me.  I'm a good person and I just want to help."  


"It's complicated." you tell her not sure how much you want to share with this stranger.  Amanda continues to press "Does she hurt you, on purpose?"    You answer "Well, not on purpose but she does get carried away."  Amanda seems surprised but makes the connection and continues "Is she pleasuring herself with you?"  


You already feel you told her much more than you wanted to and you just reply "It's not like that.  Like I said it's complicated."  Amanda leans back for a moment and says "Not so complicated.  I already knew you are her ex and now somehow you show up shrunken down to a few inches tall and in her clutches.  She can play with you and tease you all she wants and there is nothing you can do about it .  She can even use you like a dildo.  Like you aren't even a person but just a toy for her to play with.  Sound about right."


You don't answer and don't even look her back in the eye.  "I pretty much hit the bullseye, huh?  Problem for you is that this isn't going to end well.  When she gets tired of you and doesn't want to play anymore, you're still the ex that broke her heart and she'll still remember that.  So how much time you think you have, a few weeks maybe a couple months."


"What's the difference?" you tell her, "The odds of me getting back to normal are not good so I might as well ride this out and hope for the best."  Amanda leans back in and says "You might be small but you still have a choice, you still have control."  You look at her like she is crazy, "What control do I have?  Debbie take me down in 10 seconds with her little finger."  


"I'll tell you what control you have.  You can ask me to protect you and get you away from Debbie.  As long as you agree, there isn't anything she can do."  Amanda tells you.  "And then what" you respond "I'm free of Debbie and where do I go?"  Amanda replies "I can help you figure that out.  We can take a step at a time.  Maybe we can find a way to get you back to normal.  This option is certainly better than being her dildo until she decides to flush you down the toilet or worse."


"She has a point", you think, "Debbie has zero interest in helping you and maybe this could work.  It only that you don't really know this woman and you could be getting into a worse situation."  You think it over and tell her ...      

July 4
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