Bathtime with Debbie
Three Wishes Chapter 30

Debbie looks down on you on her bed and smiles, while beneath her satisfied expression you scarf down the one, cold cheese-covered macaroni noodle she brought you on a piece of tissue like it's the best meal you've ever eaten. "So adorable. My litle mousey!" She giggles, as you finish by wiping the cheese from your face with your hands and slurping that down as well.


You look up at her, slightly embarrassed, and say "Thank you for the food. It was very good."


"Of course it was." She coos. "Good little toys should be well taken care of, don't you think?" She says it while standing upright, and casually plucks you up by your arm between two fingers, dangling you in front of her smiling face. It's a frighteningly sudden movement for you, and the height of the drop below you is still scary despite the mattress underneath, but you're starting to get used to being handled like this now and quickly answer "yes, you're right. That way I can be more useful to my owner."

"Duhh." She looks like you just said something extremely obvious, but seems contented. "Now for your reward today... let's see... I think we'll have a nice, warm bath today!" She doesn't wait for a response, but walks straight to her bathroom and brings you in.


You've been half-expecting her to end up saying you could have pussy for your dessert, so you're cautiously excited as she sets you down on the counter and starts to undress herself. Not only are you looking forward to finally getting to wash after the last few days, but the sight of her body stretching out as she reaches her arms above her head and pulls her shirt off definitely still stirs up something in you in spite of where you've spent the day...


"Oh, excited already?" Debbie laughs as she looks down at your erection, as you try to cover it on instinct. "Silly little man, don't try to hide things from your owner. Let me see." She orders, and you reluctantly comply. "That's cute but let's clean you off some first. You're a bit too dirty to get in the bath with me right now."


She appraises you critically, then grabs you up and starts rinsing off your body in the sink. The water is lukewarm and flows extremely powerfully against you in her fist, but you do your best not to struggle until it's finally over and she carries you over to set you down in the bottom of the tub. It's a combination shower bath, and as you descend into it you see the grate over the drain is missing, leaving only a gaping hole.


She gets in with you, giant feet landing on either side of your nervous form, and starts running the faucet. The water level starts to build, approaching you and rushing to your knees in no time.


You look up at Debbie, taking in the sheer towering size of the towering legs on either side of you that meet up overhead in the vagina that's repeatedly devoured you, and crane your neck up still more to look further and further up her torso and over her dangling breasts and see her fawning.


"How cute! It's like you're a beached sailor and I'm a beautiful sea goddess." She squats down suddenly, making you flinch as the towering mass approaches at speed only to stop seemingly right before crushing you, her pussy so close you can almost reach out and touch it.


"Why don't you worship at your goddess's feet and see if she'll take pity on you, little sailor?" Debbie giggles down, tearing your attention away from your view inside her nearby love tunnel. You feel a sense of deja vu as you start wading over to her right foot in the rising water, which is now over your waist.


As you reach her toes, she lifts them up into the air to wiggle at you. Acting off of muscle memory from time spent with Stacey, you kiss and lick all over and between each partly wet, partly sweaty digit as she laughs and praises your efforts. When the water level starts to reach your chest, and threatens to cover her toes entirely, she sits back and props her foot up, carrying you up with it and telling you to get back to work.


This continues as the tub fills more, until she finally leans over you and switches off the faucet. Her nipples are now only just above the water level, with everything else besides her head and shoulders well submerged - apart from the foot raised up with you attending it as she watches you and fingers her nipples and crotch with every sign of enthusiasm. A few moments later, she stops to sit up and dump a glob of body wash onto herself - then you - and starts washing herself with it. At the same time, her other foot comes from behind to sandwich you with a sudden rush of water.


"Hold your breath!" She teases, before you find yourself pulled down between both soles by the toes wrapped around the back of your head, and massaged back and forth with gentle but irresistible force in between occasional dunkings beneath the warm water's surface.


After several rounds of this treatment, with you successfully gasping for air any time her feet briefly allow you, you're plucked from between them and held in front of her. "That feels better, doesn't it? All nice and clean thanks to your goddess."


You could point out that she's the reason you smelled so much like ass and pussy to begin with, but answer "yes, goddess. Thank you for cleaning me with your feet" instead. She takes it in stride, and says "you're welcome" before holding you up for a cautious sniff, and then casually sticks her tongue out and gives your face a lick, now breaking up your brief clean streak with a generous layer of saliva as she contemplates your flavor.


"Mm, yup, nice and clean now." She says thoughtfully. "When you're clean like this, you can even be my little candy man. I could stick your little body right into my mouth, and -" She grins and sticks one finger in her mouth, shoving it in all the way up to the knuckle, before pulling it out with a sensual slurp - "suck on you like my little bitty lollipop. I could milk that little thing of yours for little sugar drops all day. Would you like that, tiny toy?" Nervously, trying to blink away saliva from your eyes, you say "I want to keep serving you forever, goddess. Please don't eat me."


She laughs. "Eat you? Don't be silly. After how hard I had to work to train you? That would be a waste. You're too fun and precious of a toy for me to give up now." Bringing you towards her lips, she plants a big, exaggerated kiss on the front of your face.


You're incredibly relieved at the affirmation that your suffering these past few days has been worth something after all, although you can't really remember Debbie working very hard herself. But without waiting for you to talk, she says "now let's play a little," stands, and reaches up to set you atop the shower head before pulling her hands away. You find yourself stranded incredibly high up, looking far, far down from your perspective to even see Debbie looking up at you, let alone the tub below.


Your foothold is only a ring of metal at the tip of the shower head. It has ridges jutting out and forms a dial, meant to be turned by hand in order to adjust the water flow. Now, you have your feet on two of said ridges, and your back pressed flat against the shower head as you try not to panic and lean too far forward.


"Look, you're on the high dive!" She jokes, then grabs the shower head below you and carefully tilts it downwards, making your incline even steeper and causing you to feel as if you'll lose your balance and fall off at any moment. "Please, goddess!" You shout desperately. "I don't want to fall!" But she's unperturbed. "Oh?" She teases. "Then you'll have to jump!"


She then lies back down in the tub, sprawling out in the water far, far below you before leaning back and grabbing behind her knees, pulling them back while thrusting her hips up towards the sky. "Okay, little man!" She cheerfully calls out. "Show me what you've got. Time to dive!"


You know exactly what she means, as a knot forms in your stomach while you look down and see her holding her legs open, hips above the water, her pussy wide and waiting for you. You can't exactly lean forward and look for yourself, but as far as you can tell her asshole must be just below your feet as well. You know, of course, that doing what she says is the thing to do to get this over with as safely and painlessly as possible, and you know you can't keep balancing up here forever, but you're terrified of missing your jump and crashing into Debbie's abdomen, or not jumping far enough and impacting her just below the pussy. 


Seeing your indecision as you take too long to work up your nerve, Debbie frowns a little and reaches down quickly to turn the faucet handle just a little. Now, water starts flowing from the showerhead at just a trickle as she gets right back into position.


"Better hurry up, little guy!" She calls cheerfully, but with a hint of warning, as you start to lose your balance altogether. The little trickle of water flow isn't enough to do anything meaningful to Debbie besides make some noise falling into the tub, but the vibrations it causes in the shower head are just enough that you can feel your feet start slipping forward on their footholds. It's true. You have to make a decision, and now.


Knowing this is your last new, terrifying hurdle to clear before you get your owner off at the end of the day, you look down at her naked body, lying down there waiting for you, and you...

January 29 · edited February 20