Another Morning With Debbie
Three Wishes Chapter 29

You are awaken by Debbie who is dressed and ready to go out for the day.  "Good morning tiny toy.  It's decision time.  I'm working a six hour shift today.  You can worship my ass today or I can drop you off with Stacey for the day.  She has school and I'm sure she'll love to take you along.


"You win." you tell her, "I'll go with you."   Debbie says "That doesn't sounds very enthusiastic."  You rethink this and tell her "I'm sorry.  I would love to grace the most beautiful behind of the most beautiful girl in the world."


"That's better." Debbie tells you as she pulls down her underwear from under her skirt.  She takes her underwear off and you see it is a skimpy lace number that gets you a bit excited.  "Since you are such a good sport today, I decided to try something different." she tells you as she carried you and her undies to her desk where she uses a thread to tie your wrists to the back part of her undies and then repeats the same process leaving you tied to this a skimpy piece of lace that make up the back of her underpants.  "Now I don't have to worry about you falling out." she tells you.  "I left your mouth free to cover my butt with kisses during the day.  Do a good job and I'll reward you." she finishes with a wink as she slides the underpants back up her legs and you feel a pull as the material stretches a bit as she pulls them around her ass.


You immediately can smell her ass as you get wedged between her cheeks and it tightens even more as she pulls them all the way on pushing your face into her butt hole.   You can barely move and you try to turn your head to avoid the smell but she orders "Kiss, kiss and I want to feel that tiny tongue."   You comply kissing and licking her although it disgusts you and she says "Ohh, that's nice.  You can just do that and it will be fine."  as she gets her purse and gets ready to leave for her job.  


Fortunately Debbie is on her feet most of the day as she works as a salesperson in the mall.  However the ride in her car almost kills you as you were buried under tons of her ass with almost no air to breath.   As she is walking into work she tells you "Now I want to feel kisses all morning from you.  Otherwise, I'll be getting a burrito from the Mexican place in the food court and your afternoon will be hell.  You don't need to be told again and start kissing her butt hole.


It isn't until lunchtime that she goes in the bathroom and pulls her panties down to relive herself and you get fresh air and it feels wonderful.  "Are you loving our time together as much as I am?" she asks you.  You just bear it and respond "It is so nice to be cuddled by your behind. "  She wipes herself and pulls you back in place and says "Good and I'll even skip the Mexican today."


The afternoon drags along and as Debbie is getting ready to leave you hear a guy start talking to her outside the store.  "Fuck", you think, "He's hitting on her."  Eventually she breaks off the conversations and drives home suffocating you again.


Fortunately for you Debbie goes right to her room when she gets home.  She pulls her underwear down to check you out and smiles at you.  "Nice job keeping me happy today.  I think you earned a reward."  As she cuts you free of her underwear, you ask her about the guy who was hitting on her.  She tells "Oh, that's Jimmy who works at the cell phone store.  He's always trying to hit on me.  Like would I date the nerd from the phone store?  Hey maybe I should show him you tied to my underwear and worshiping my butt.  That would scare him off."  She laughs at the idea. and says "Now you rest up and I'll bring you up something to eat and then you'll get your reward."


She leaves you on her bed and she goes down to have supper.  You relax free of her ass but worry what she might want next.  After a while Debbie is back with something for you to eat and drink and she decides your reward is to ...


January 26