She's Happy You're Happy
Three Wishes Chapter 32

Debbie is looking right at the ceiling and moaning slightly as she pounds herself with her new human dildo, when she looks down just before shoving him in all the way and notices something. She's got the little guy held more than halfway out of her, and he's staring up at her with a look of panic while sporting an obvious, if tiny, boner! She can't help but let out a giggle at the sight, thinking it funny how quickly he was starting to learn to love his new place in life, before putting two fingers to his head and shoving him in deep as they could reach.


"The little toy boy wants to be my little lover boy?" She laughs, crossing her legs and squirming as she squeezes tight. "I don't think your tiny sperm could get me pregnant. Go on, make love to that pussy, little guy! Just like we used to, mmm!"


Inside your tight, dark, slippery prison of flesh, the vibrations from her moaning travel through your body and drive you wild, causing you to writhe and hump at the rubbery walls gripping you with fervor. This time, you don't have the self-control to slow down and tease your horny captress as your movement gets to her, and she erupts in a chaotic orgasm well before you're ready to burst.


When the walls stop crushing and spasming around you, you try to get back to what you were doing and rub your dick against the bumpy surface, only to find yourself swiftly expelled from inside Debbie and snatched up in the suddenly bright, cold world above her naked body in a lukewarm tub of water.


"Aww, my dirty little guy still wants me." She says, then brings you to her face and suddenly shoving you into her mouth. You start to panic as her lips close behind you and you're left trapped in darkness, her hot breath breezing past your face, and then the slick, powerful tongue underneath pins you to the top of her mouth and starts grinding its bumpy surface against your front. It pays special attention to your crotch, pressing in between your legs, and everything is chaotic for a few minutes before you blow your load all over it and finally flop down on the tongue, without resistance, limp and well defeated.


After a terrifyingly loud sucking and gulping drains your environment of spit and seed, you're spat out into Debbie's waiting palm that quickly, and unceremoniously, dumps you right into the open bird cage hanging in her room. "Good night, tiny toy!" She sings, latching the door behind you and pulling off her bathrobe.


"Since you were good today, I put some bedding in there for you. Now you can have sweet dreams of me, and all the fun we'll have tomorrow!" She blows you a kiss through the bars, then unceremoniously pulls off her robe and drapes it over your entire cage, just as she did last night.


You feel totally humiliated and somehow strangely disappointed at the abrupt manner you've been cast aside... or rather, put away. Like a toy she's now done playing with, you wait alone and ignored as Debbie goes about the rest of her evening. All you have to keep you company is that damn swing, and the pair of panties she left you as "bedding."


It's the same pair you've just spent her entire work shift inside, but the thin layer of spit on your skin is starting to feel very cold, so you walk over and wrap yourself in the soft cotton anyway, doing your best to go to sleep with the familiar smell of your owner's ass, pussy, and spit filling the air around you.

February 22 · edited February 22
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