To Boldly Go... Or Not.
Three Wishes Chapter 26

You lay curled up on the hard floor of the cage, waiting for it to stop swinging back and forth, cold from the rushing air and the thin layer of Debbie's fluids you never managed to wipe off fully, and try to sleep as best you can. Sleep doesn't come for a long time, though. When it does, it's plagued with dreams of crawling on your belly through a narrow mineshaft, blind, crying out for help as the earth quakes fearsomely around you and cries: "AGAIN!" over and over.


You waken with a start to a cacophony of banging metal, sunlight beaming into your cage, as a fully-dressed Debbie looms in front of you, her face against the bars, tapping them with a shiny quarter held between her right finger and thumb. "Wakey wakey, little guy!"


You clamber to your feet with a groan as your aching joints cry out, seeing she's already dressed in a v-cut shirt that left generous cleavage and midriff exposed, along with form hugging sweatpants that look like they border on the thickness of leggings.


Noticing you checking out her outfit, Debbie smiles contentedly, showing none of your fatigue or soreness. "Who's the hottest girl in the entire world?" She asks you, teasingly.


Even though you know it's more command than question, you don't really have to force the answer when you see her like this. "You are, Debbie!" You call enthusiastically, to her obvious enjoyment.


Debbie grins. "And who," she goes on teasingly, is my favorite little boy-toy?" This one, you do have to force out. "I am," you tell her.


"What's that?" Debbie feigns ignorance, and leans in with one hand cupped to her ear.


"I AM!" You shout back.


"What are you?"

"Your favorite boy-toy!" You know there's no point resisting her, so you give up and try to get it over with. At this point, you've accepted your fate as your giant ex's slave and human vibrator, but did she have to start humiliating you first thing in the morning, too?


"Good boy!" Debbie smiles down at the answer, seeing your dejection but not too discouraged. The more she reminds you, the sooner you'll get used to it, after all. "And if you could do what you did last night for a little longer at a time, you'd be the best toy that I own at all!"


Debbie's smile remains, but now less playful all of a sudden as you look up in disbelief. "Longer!? That was three times in a row! You know how hard it is at this size? It'd be exhausting even if I had room to breathe and wasn't getting crushed in there!"


You start out just shocked, but by the end are outright pleading as Debbie looks down at you unsympathetically, giving you a patient sigh. "Sweetie, I'm sure that was very hard for you but it was only your second time. We have plenty of room to improve. You just need practice and training."


Then, her playful smile returns. "So that's why, I thought of the perfect training exercise! I'm going to be out all day running errands and meeting with my friends, but you don't have to stay locked up in here all bored and miserable! You can come with me, instead!" She beams. "I'll let you out so you can eat lunch, get fresh air outside this room, and see my friends, and in the meantime you can get used to spending time inside me!"


Amazingly, she seems to think that's an outstanding offer, by the way she's beaming down at your incredulous form. "What, I can't do that Debbie!" You protest in disbelief. "Last night was all I had! I can't stay in there for hours!" You start to whine, making her seem to pout.


"Don't be such a baby." Debbie tells you in a slightly annoyed tone, brows furrowing as if the objection was clearly unjustified. "You won't have to do anything, just nap if you want. If you want to be a little wuss just because you finally put in some fucking effort last night, for once after all this time, then you can stay here, but I'll be thinking of a punishment for you while I'm away. But if you're good and come with me..." she suddenly changes her tone to singsong, leaning in seductively. "...I'll have a big reward for you tonight. And maybe something better for staying in than that cold, empty cage."


She winks sexily, making you swallow hard while her breath washes over you and the blood rushes to your head. Maybe you should do this, actually. You've survived her having earth-shattering orgasms more or less unharmed; wouldn't this be a piece of cake? Do you really want to spend the whole day sitting in this barren cage, waiting cold, hungry, and unwashed, fearing the moment she comes home with your punishment?


The way she bends over slightly to come face-to-face with you, combined with her revealing outfit and playful smile, makes you start thinking you might not be so against the idea after all.


Seeing you hesitate, and with a knowing smirk, Debbie straightens up and brandishes the quarter she'd been holding. "Easy, right? So to make it interesting, I'll flip this coin to see which hole you're going in. Heads, my coochie. Tails..."


You realize her meaning with a flood of fear, as she puts her hands behind her head, arching her back, and sways her hips back and forth from left to right, and back again, catching your gaze as you stare down in a mix of dread and admiration - "well, let's just say that since it's your first time, you can keep your head outside." She adds, with a tone of magnanimity.


"Well?" She holds the coin up pointedly, expecting an answer - and giving every indication that she already knows what it's going to be. "Coin, or cage?"


You don't know if being trapped in your ex's butthole with only your head free is worse than stuck deep in her snatch headfirst, but you know you don't want to spend hours suffering in either one of them.


The only problem is, the way she talks, you have the sinking feeling you would only be putting off the inevitable by choosing to stay alone in her room anyway. The fact is, Debbie's made up her mind about your relationship and she's going to do what she wants with you regardless. So far, all your attempts to disobey her or escape her clutches have ended in failure or worse.

Heck, with her mom and sister around, staying here without her to protect you might even be more dangerous.


Without having a clear right answer, you choose...

January 22 · edited February 20