Time Out With The Boss
Three Wishes Chapter 35

Debbie hesitates for a moment, thinking over her choices. She knew she was pushing it when she showed off a little man fondling her breasts out in the open, so she isn't going to risk her job any further by complaining now. But the only pockets on her outfit are too small to hide her boytoy's bulk. Hiding him in her butt obviously worked, but she'd already said she'd be nice and not do that today. She can get in more serious trouble if she gets distracted from stashing him in her panties, and she doesn't trust the other sales girls not to steal him if she leaves him in the break room...


That leaves one option, and Debbie decides you're housebroken enough to trust you with it. "Okay, we're so sorry Amanda. Thank you so much for offering to take care of him, but can you keep him hidden please?" She feigns embarrassment as she leans in, and confesses: "He just shrunk recently, so we haven't gotten new clothes for him yet. I didn't think it would come up, sorry!"


Debbie has worked under Amanda for a couple of years now, and she understands her boss is serious and capable but also kind of socially awkward, so she expects the news to fluster her out of asking too many more questions. That's exactly what happens, as Amanda says "oh! Um... that's understandable. Uh, Joe, can you come with me please?"


"Oh! Uh. Yes! Sorry, ma'am, I didn't want to cause Debbie any trouble!"


On reflection, it makes perfect sense that she, a stranger, would ask you before trying to bring you somewhere by force. Most people would, wouldn't they? But the fact the giantess even bothered asking you caught you completely by surprise. That somehow hadn't been happening very often since you've gotten shrunk.


Debbie certainly doesn't check in with you at all, before pinching around your chest to pull you out of the loop in her makeshift leather necklace, and dumping you in her boss's pale palm. You feel a strange sense of safety as it gently curls inward, cushioning your fall and guarding you from losing your balance and falling to the side, while Amanda looks through her glasses at you with sympathy and concern.


Then, Debbie's voice snaps you back to reality. "Don't forget me, little guy!" She whispers, as the two huddle in a corner of the store trying to be discreet. You look up to see her wink at you, then lean down and give you a quick kiss while you sit in Amanda's hand - which makes the other girl blush, though you can't tell which part...


In any case, you're well reminded that you belong to Debbie and will be going back to her later, as your handler gently closes her other hand around to conceal you, and then walks across the store to her office with you in darkness. You see her hand come off to open the door as she enters, and then you're held out in the open as the door closes behind, and it's just you and her.


It's a small office with a basic metal desk, plastic chair, laptop, and filing cabinet. You get a little time to take it in, before Amanda speaks: "I'm sorry you couldn't stay with Debbie instead" she tells you apologetically, looking down at you with what seems like real compassion. She brings you gently over to the desk, and holds her hand out flat so you can easily get off and onto solid ground.


"That's okay." You encourage her, looking up while covering your naked crotch with some embarrassment. Something about the way this stranger treats you, with actual respect, is making you remember what it's like to be self-conscious about not wearing clothes. Now you have accepted your role as property, and have been seeing your life get better and less frightening as a result. This new girl tempting you into questioning that arrangement is making you increasingly uncomfortable.


A series of painful memories flash through your mind, all the different kinds of torture you went through in the past when you defied Debbie.


Amanda seems to notice your discomfort, and suddenly changes subjects to pull a small tissue from a box by her laptop, handing it to you. "You can put this on if you w- no, I mean, would you mind putting this on please?" She asks, going somewhat red in the face at the misspeak.


You're not sure you understand this girl, but are relieved at her dropping the subject anyway, as you tie the tissue around your waist like a towel. She gets flustered at the strangest things, doesn't she? Pretty, though, in a thin but cute kind of way. Still, you feel that you'll probably be safe here until Debbie comes to collect you, as long as you don't say anything that would make her unhappy to hear about.


Your relief is somewhat short-lived, as Amanda bluntly sits down in the chair before you, writhes her hands together, and says: "There's no easy way to say this, but company policy says I have to ask about it if I suspect something. Joe, are you free to leave Debbie if you want, and are you afraid of what would happen to yourself, or someone close to you, if you were to do so?"


Damn it! Exactly what you'd been hoping she wouldn't ask about. Your every instinct tells you to stay loyal to Debbie, that defying her was never worth it. Your every rational thought screams at you that you finally have a chance to get out of this life, and you may never have another like it.


What do you do?

March 18 · edited March 18
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