A leathery tongue leading up to a mouth seeming...
Island of Change Collaberotica Version
Chapter 11
· original author:
A leathery tongue leading up to a mouth seemingly floating in the air
Horrified about becoming food for something so quickly you grip as hard as possible on the stalk and you can feel it bend under the strain. Your remaining hand is completely stuck, however not wanting to give up your arm flails wildly trying to free it. Once it pulls you upward there will be nothing but leaves to grab. Momentarily you ponder what would be worse, being eaten alive or buried alive. Both seem horrible. Being buried alive seems like a less likely way to die as the seconds progress and the level your legs are submerged decreases.
Exponentially the upward motion accelerates as it pulls you free and into the air. You try to scream in a combination of frustration, anger and defiance but if any sound came out, you would be surprised. The mouth blurs toward you and a set of circular yellow eyes appear above the mouth, also seemingly floating in the air. They pierce directly into you and feed terror right into your system. Into the mouth your head and shoulders crash. Laughter thunders up the throat somehow freeing more adrenaline up for your system and you pull your second hand free. The mouth closes around your shoulders but does not bite, regardless you try free yourself but your forearms are outside the mouth. It’s pitch black and you cannot figure out any sensitive points to resist what was happening. The tongue uncoils and slowly works it’s way down your chest and pulls you in further. At least now all of your arms are inside but again cannot find anything to help the situation Again the tongue uncoils and again slowly beings to wrap itself around your waist when whatever is eating you spasms violently.
The tongue abruptly forces you out of the mouth banging past the teeth and lips. Suddenly the false sanctuary behind the bamboo is your world again. Upside down though. Spitting and profanity overpower the sound of wind and bamboo. You should have hit the ground by now, how high up are you? Unfortunately you are not falling back to the ground where you can try to get away form whatever this is, a lizardlike foot has your ankle clamped in it’s grip. Following the foot to the rest of the creature you see half of…it? There is a colossal lizard woman creature. Her head was half reptilian, maybe the lower half was snake, the core of her torso and the beginning of her limbs were distinctly human woman, and the remainder of her arms were chameleon like. From mid torso down was invisible. Above, the kaleidoscope of colors that whirled with each retch she choked out revealed more and more of her figure. She was cloaked like a chameleon, not simply matching colors of what was behind her, as far as you can tell she was invisible. Ever changing colored scales were here skin and at your angle you can’t see the rest of her body. She was also substantially larger than the woman who threw you in here. At least twice as tall, even on this side of the divider she didn’t blend, or she wouldn’t if she couldn’t turn invisible.
After a moment the foot/hand/limb brings you, still upside-down, to her eyes. She speaks with a clarity that her massive mouth does not match, “Ugh what is in this dirt? Disgusting! I’m going to need to wash you off first. You are covered in that filth.” Angrily you kick her foot, hand…thing with your free heel as best you can being upside down, it’s more disorienting that you assumed at first. “Put me down! I didn’t come here to be eaten! Let me go!” Indifferent to the continued beating of her hand she chuckles at you, “Sorry sugar, you are on the wrong side of the boarder for that. Over here the rules are different, too bad for you.”
Desperately you curl up and lay your fists into the fingers directly, “NO! I am NOT supposed to be here! I am NOT anyone’s food! LET MET GO!” The angle was poor and your muscles protested the unusual angles. Clearly it was not bothering her in the least, she began to recloak, a stern look was on her face. Her grip tightened and quickly released your foot and then clamped around your waist, pinning your arms to your side. Little of her face was left, and it was close to yours, intense eyes glared down at you, even replacing her mouth as the most intimidating feature. A cold and scaly digit ran up your chest above her hand slid up your chest and under the center of your bikini top playfully pulling on the string. You really wished you had worn more when you sat down to sun now. The mostly invisible creature stared into your eyes, then rumbled out some words that you could feel pass over your face, “Explain to me exactly what you mean when you say you aren’t supposed to be here.” The massive digit playing between the bottom of your breasts made it difficult to choose your words. “I mean I was minding my own business on the other side of the wall trying to get some sun. Then this giant woman and I got into an argument and she threw me over the wall and I landed in the pool. I don’t want to be eaten or around giants so I didn’t come here!”
Horrified about becoming food for something so quickly you grip as hard as possible on the stalk and you can feel it bend under the strain. Your remaining hand is completely stuck, however not wanting to give up your arm flails wildly trying to free it. Once it pulls you upward there will be nothing but leaves to grab. Momentarily you ponder what would be worse, being eaten alive or buried alive. Both seem horrible. Being buried alive seems like a less likely way to die as the seconds progress and the level your legs are submerged decreases.
Exponentially the upward motion accelerates as it pulls you free and into the air. You try to scream in a combination of frustration, anger and defiance but if any sound came out, you would be surprised. The mouth blurs toward you and a set of circular yellow eyes appear above the mouth, also seemingly floating in the air. They pierce directly into you and feed terror right into your system. Into the mouth your head and shoulders crash. Laughter thunders up the throat somehow freeing more adrenaline up for your system and you pull your second hand free. The mouth closes around your shoulders but does not bite, regardless you try free yourself but your forearms are outside the mouth. It’s pitch black and you cannot figure out any sensitive points to resist what was happening. The tongue uncoils and slowly works it’s way down your chest and pulls you in further. At least now all of your arms are inside but again cannot find anything to help the situation Again the tongue uncoils and again slowly beings to wrap itself around your waist when whatever is eating you spasms violently.
The tongue abruptly forces you out of the mouth banging past the teeth and lips. Suddenly the false sanctuary behind the bamboo is your world again. Upside down though. Spitting and profanity overpower the sound of wind and bamboo. You should have hit the ground by now, how high up are you? Unfortunately you are not falling back to the ground where you can try to get away form whatever this is, a lizardlike foot has your ankle clamped in it’s grip. Following the foot to the rest of the creature you see half of…it? There is a colossal lizard woman creature. Her head was half reptilian, maybe the lower half was snake, the core of her torso and the beginning of her limbs were distinctly human woman, and the remainder of her arms were chameleon like. From mid torso down was invisible. Above, the kaleidoscope of colors that whirled with each retch she choked out revealed more and more of her figure. She was cloaked like a chameleon, not simply matching colors of what was behind her, as far as you can tell she was invisible. Ever changing colored scales were here skin and at your angle you can’t see the rest of her body. She was also substantially larger than the woman who threw you in here. At least twice as tall, even on this side of the divider she didn’t blend, or she wouldn’t if she couldn’t turn invisible.
After a moment the foot/hand/limb brings you, still upside-down, to her eyes. She speaks with a clarity that her massive mouth does not match, “Ugh what is in this dirt? Disgusting! I’m going to need to wash you off first. You are covered in that filth.” Angrily you kick her foot, hand…thing with your free heel as best you can being upside down, it’s more disorienting that you assumed at first. “Put me down! I didn’t come here to be eaten! Let me go!” Indifferent to the continued beating of her hand she chuckles at you, “Sorry sugar, you are on the wrong side of the boarder for that. Over here the rules are different, too bad for you.”
Desperately you curl up and lay your fists into the fingers directly, “NO! I am NOT supposed to be here! I am NOT anyone’s food! LET MET GO!” The angle was poor and your muscles protested the unusual angles. Clearly it was not bothering her in the least, she began to recloak, a stern look was on her face. Her grip tightened and quickly released your foot and then clamped around your waist, pinning your arms to your side. Little of her face was left, and it was close to yours, intense eyes glared down at you, even replacing her mouth as the most intimidating feature. A cold and scaly digit ran up your chest above her hand slid up your chest and under the center of your bikini top playfully pulling on the string. You really wished you had worn more when you sat down to sun now. The mostly invisible creature stared into your eyes, then rumbled out some words that you could feel pass over your face, “Explain to me exactly what you mean when you say you aren’t supposed to be here.” The massive digit playing between the bottom of your breasts made it difficult to choose your words. “I mean I was minding my own business on the other side of the wall trying to get some sun. Then this giant woman and I got into an argument and she threw me over the wall and I landed in the pool. I don’t want to be eaten or around giants so I didn’t come here!”
July 28, 2023
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