"You think that was funny?!" You hear a heavily accented Russian voice. Looking up, you see an astoundingly 12 foot tall bombshell, with long blonde hair and massive tits to compliment her rampant ass. All of it was contained with a much too small red bikini, and it struggled to do it's job. She was addressing you nonetheless, and she seemed angry, a situation which might bite you in the ass.

"What are you talking about?" You ask, sitting up and glaring at the lady through your sunglasses.

"What you did to that poor girl. My sister!" She said, pointing at the red smear on the ground, what was left of the fairy after she met the bottom of a flip flop.

"Heh. Kinda." You replied, chuckling at the prophecy of her being smushed now fulfilled.

"How dare you say that?!" The Russian Amazon said, before grabbing you and lifting you out of your chair. She brought you up to her face, where you could feel the warm breath of the giant woman scream out "I'll show you something funny!". The Amazon then proceeded to
July 28, 2023
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