Carry You Off
· original author:
Angrily the woman drops you to your feet. Rather uncomfortably her thigh gap is immediately in front of your face and ends just above your head. She’s an oversized statue. A titantic knee finds its way on to your shoulder and effortlessly sends you onto your back, as you land two massive feet pin both of your arms. From here her size, power and strength are intoxicating. Certainly many boys must fantasize about being in this position. Muscular and statuesque she, looks down at you and grins, “I think I know what I’m going to do with you.” From far above she drops her bag to the crook of her arm, it’s a large calamity as it’s contents settle. Whatever was inside didn’t sound like beach towels and sunscreen.

Unfairly she reached down and picked you up, pulling you from beneath her feet instead of simply moving them off of your arms. Her hand clamped firmly over your mouth and around the back of your head. She carried you swiftly toward the fences bordering the pool making a point to shake you each time you attempted to protest. The blood pounding in your ears deafened you to anything happening around you. The palm likely contained every single one of your pleas for attention, there was no way to be sure. The world spun violently as she swing you about, was she trying to be cruel and break your neck? The answer became clear as the ground rocketed away. She made eye contact as you reached the apex of your flight, “See you soon little girl!” Vertical logs sharpened to spikes at the top rocketed up between the two women and moments later. The blue water below rushed up to meet you as it retreated above your head.

The world tumbled as the water crashed into you from all directions at once and you did your best to right yourself. The surface presented itself to amidst your fumbling and the world emerged into focus. You were in a pool, a large one at that. There were logs making a fence, presumably what that amazon just through you over. They had to go up three stories, possibly four. Far higher than you could climb. Massive trees and thorn bushes lined their bases anyway, clearly you would have to find another way out. The pool went on for what seemed to be hundreds of feet in any direction. Lets see, the entrance to the pool you were just thrown from was toward the mountains, and you trusted your internal sense of direction enough to know which way that was.

Time was at a premium, there was no way you wanted to find out if she was actually coming or simply taunting you about throwing you out of the pool. After swimming for a few moments you realize that the people in the pool are not normal size, they are the same or bigger than the woman who threw you in here. This was an uncomfortable realization. By far you were the smallest person in this massive pool. A pang of panic caused you to stop and tread water for a moment. Were all the people here as harsh as the one out there? Why did these massive people have a pool this size to themselves? Were you supposed to be in here? You tell yourself to wait and think for a moment, you have only met one, and she had good reason for being angry with you. These people are probably just happy resort goers like everyone else and you have no reason to believe that the first person of this size that you encountered is an example of the rest.

That is until you notice another Amazonian woman dunking a woman smaller than she was, possibly the same size as you, under water for longer and longer durations and laughing about it. And another holding a leash keeping two women and a man bound to her. Then there was a man who had a floating cage that had another person your size in it, you cannot tell if it was a man or woman, only their head was above the water line in the floating cage.

Not all the amazon sized people were human either, there was a snake woman, a cheetah couple, an elephant that might have been male and an assortment of other human animal variations. Disturbingly there was a large jellyfish looking….possibly person…that had ensnared a woman inside of it’s transparent body, she was clearly trying to claw her way out to no avail. Other similarly and smaller sized human women were trapped in it’s tentacles, maybe in limbo to follow the first woman’s fate. The large people around it seemed to take great amusement watching the woman in side struggling for her life.

You look away for a path that doesn’t involve people twice your height putting you in bondage in a pool clearly deeper than you are tall. Drowning is not what you paid money to come here for. Or being eaten by pool monsters. In the opposite direction is an imposing building, clearly meant for people of the Amazonian size variety. It was outside the pool’s fence, and had a series of slides leading into the pool. Clearly not meant for amazon sized people, but people your size. At their exits were all manner of large people, eagerly awaiting the next normal sized person to arrive. Every single person coming down that slide was delivered immediately into the clutches of someone significantly bigger than them.

That’s why that amazon threw you in here. Apparently normal sized humans are in danger here. Does the resort lure people here for the survival of the fittest? No, no they don’t. The brochure assured you that if you die, you get brought back to life for a fee. Ok so calm down, if you die, that’s not the end, you’ll deal with the consequences, you have the money. All you have to do is get out of here, and knowing that death is not permanent, you can take the bigger risks for bigger rewards.

With that you set off swimming again, your path skirts the side of the pool. There are plenty of plants to cover your journey to what you hope is the way out of here.
July 28, 2023
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