Chapters 1-20, of 32
Searched for: any text, tags include: (cleavage, nonconsensual, shrinking powers), tags do not include: (butt smother).
"Joe was a good person. At least, he liked to think so. He almost always said please and thank you. He frequently thought about volunteering at soup kitchens. He practically never forgot to call hi..."
14.8K words · 628 views
"Completely opposite from yourself Caren basked in the overbearing warmth and the lingering smell from Miriam's massive farts, also thoroughly enjoying getting enveloped by her huge cheeks. She lovi..."
1.76K words · 526 views
"Back to Cindy and yourself... You had no idea what Cindy was up to but you appreciated not being forced into her cleavage or buttcrack, as nice and soft as they were you could use some time to rec..."
1.83K words · 237 views
"Jade looked far too happy for the situation and somehow you got the vibe that maybe she had a bone to pick with the so called ASS trio as well and despite being an enemy of yours, you couldn't help..."
1.83K words · 200 views
"Back at the lunch table with the 4 girls... "By the way, what the hell was that before?" Lillian asked. Her stomach made some grumbling noises but she rubbed it with a hand and seemingly got it to..."
1.78K words · 211 views
""Oh, Big Bertha" Lillian chuckled "Yeah, she's special" "Huh?" You turned to look at her, taking it as her cue to explain. "Not in a bad way. She's pretty nice and chill as long as you're not an ..."
1.79K words · 235 views
"Even though Jen hadn't even properly arrived to the Lillie table yet, all of them felt her approach, every step she took made a louder boom and it caused a larger tremor. Having accounted for this,..."
1.82K words · 189 views
""What the hell?!" You looked around in shock as everything had become giant in your perspective. "Wow, I didn't think yours would shrink him that much" Lillian said to Jen, giving her a thumbs up ..."
1.79K words · 373 views
"[Originally written by Reborner. Slightly edited by myself]   Your phone rings and you both stop before you pick it up. "Yo, Blaise! Me and Jen need your opinion on something, so come over to Jen..."
1.34K words · 371 views